Pop-Up Ads in Soft - NO GOOD LAH!


New member
Don't know if this bothers anyone of you as much as it bothers me, and whether this is the first time (cos I don't remember suffering any pop-up ads before while surfing Soft) but yeah - the Ricola ad keeps popping up, in full window some more everytime I go back and forth.

Yeah, I know you can turn on the disable pop-up windows thingie and I did, and it didn't work in my Safari.:(

Yeah, I can always use Firefox but I prefer the cleaner look of Safari. ;)
use Firefox, install the extension Ad Block Plus. instant win. that is why Firefox > every other browser.
I'm using Firefox on my mac, which automatically prevents pop ups.

But i think yesterday, there was some prompt that was asking me to download some radioblog thing. Anyone else experienced the same thing?
I have feedback this issue to the advertiser. Don't know why the banner could auto open another page. When I tested it, it didn't. Hmmm....
I guess for now use Firefox to prevent that odd pop-up. There isn't a add-on for Safari meh? I thought Apple would have at LEAST designed a pop-up blocker for Safari...