Along the pathway it echos of the fluttering of wings,
The withered trees along the way disappear,
As if they were avoiding the presence of what was coming.
The wind blows and leaves brush against me and flew away,
The clock chimes, 13 times,
Admist the chaos I could still smile, because of...
Your transparent beauty right before my eyes,
Beautiful, mystifying, but I could never touch.
With tears in my eyes, I said, "I'm here."
You said I'm lost, and started to fade.
I beg the gods for the time I'd forever treasure,
Even if I was living in a memory.
Just for the moment, a warm embrace,
Another few more seconds to see her face.
Buildings around me started to disappear,
The gentle figure before me started to fade,
The fluttering grew louder.
The wind blows and clouds of dust flew into the sky,
The clock chimed its 16th time,
It grew cold and it turned dark.
Your familar form, right before my eyes,
I'll hug you, I'll kiss you goodbye,
I'll whisper to you, "I made it."
But it'll never happen, because the time shall drift us apart.
I beg the gods for time I'd forever treasure,
Even if I was living in a memory,
Just for the moment, a warm embrace,
Another few more seconds to see her face.
The fluttering of wings stopped,
Everything around me dissappeared,
I looked behind me and there was a door,
Opening it, I saw my present.
A shadowy figure appears before me,
Scythes and all, I must be the one they're lookin for.
A swiping sound, and I was awake.
My memories played a flashback of my gravest mistake.
The never changing skies...
Carries my memories of that time away on the clouds,
Only in this unchanging place of ours,
I'll remember you.
The same days, again today, in this same room...
With the unchanging you that only smiles in the light,
I will once again sink deeply...(into my dreams).