Plugging cables into wrong input/output of pedal

hehe, before the thread goes outta control, latest update, i have just click on my own name in the forum here and report to admin of me flaming threadstarter coz i think he deserved it.

Its either i will get banned and disappear or that everyone gets warning and non topic related response will be deleted. So before that if anyone wanna saved this epic thread, go do so, quick, before everything is gone.

Still loving chooooooo
bro thein
So what are the pedals that will spoil? Since you said generally won't spoil.

Generally when the pedals you have wants to fail on you, they will fail. If you're still not satisfied with the answers and need some definite and absolute ones, get some cables, pedals, amps and guitars and try it out yourself. the answers by fellow SOFTIES here are pretty obvious. Hardware components also have some "life" in them. if they wants to fail, they will fail. Applies to anything electrical and not just effect pedals, computers, tv's etc..

Just to make it clear to you like the many others who have tried to feed the answer to your head, doing what you're asking whatever it is, it won't fail. I've had done that a few times (not intentionally of course) and my gears still work. There was even once that I was trying to figure out how to use the effects loop, i practically plug in the cable jack to almost each ports (that can fit) there is on my M13. and it is still working till now.

What works for me may not work for you.. but it will work unless your gears just wants to "spoil" itself.

Hope Carlos Santana don't ask such questions when he plays his gig here..

Have fun trying out..

Okay i have a couple things to add.
1) As stated, there are millions of pedal builders. Idk what pedal you have since you are so protective of it, but different pedals are affected differently and GENERALLY is what we can tell you UNLESS you tell us what super secretive one of a kind james bond pedal you have.
2) I don't know what pedals spoil under such circumstances. maybe you should try
hehe, before the thread goes outta control, latest update, i have just click on my own name in the forum here and report to admin of me flaming threadstarter coz i think he deserved it.

Its either i will get banned and disappear or that everyone gets warning and non topic related response will be deleted. So before that if anyone wanna saved this epic thread, go do so, quick, before everything is gone.

Still loving chooooooo
bro thein

Chill la bro...
don't get banned for this guy's sake it's not worth it hahaha.
Wah how did this turn into 5 pages. I decided he was a troll back on pg2 and left it at that.
Let him have his last word guys and just leave him be. :)
Guys whats up with the rep lololol. Is the system like er.. the moment u kenna bad rep from someone u become a evil bastard with 999999999 red rep points?

TS: The situation is like this: If you jaywalk and u get hit by a car does it mean that everyone whom jaywalks would also get hit by a car? No it varies from individual and the number of cars on the road/length of the road/how alert you are etc. The point is no one can give you a definite answer because doing so would be lying. So the GENERAL consensus is 'No your pedal wont get screwed'.

I hope you are satisfied and pls dont give me bad rep and detest my analogy :( because im trying to sell a pedal right now. After i sell it you are free to do so :)
This whole rep thing reminds me of the time I told van_halen to sod off regarding the JCM800 with 6550 tubes. Just before he got banned, my rep became what it is today. Not that I don't disagree with it.

Somehow, this Santana guy gives me van_halen vibes.
Dear Santana,

Do recognise that it is often impossible to get a definite answer to any questions, even when they are scientific, mathematics or factual ones.

For anyone to give you a definite answer, they will be subjected to the burden of proof - that is, to proof that all pedals that have their input/output plugged in wrongly will not be damaged. Any wise forumer will not give such an absolute answer, unless he/she is absolutely sure, therefore many forumers gave the "generally..." as their answer, which is not wrong, because intuitively (which you do not have), pedals do not get damaged for having their input/ouput plugged wrongly.

Anyway, often times you will not go wrong when you listen to the crowd. Quite frequently, many will find that the wisdom of the crowd is more superior to your own ignorance. You may not content with the "guess work" or non-supported answers that others have given you, but you could probably find some confidence in their collective experience. After all, it appears to me that those people who attempted to help you are much more 'lao jiao' than you are, so you probably should eat the humble pie, rather than to challenge them.
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If you stuff things up your ass (Output) would it damage your ass?

The answer is....


Depending on what you stuff (Gear) into your ass (Output).

If you stuff a grape (Gear-X) into your ass (Output), it'll be unpleasant (No Sound).

If you stuff a durian (Gear-WTF) into your ass (Output), you just raped your ass (Goodbye Gear)

As stated by Cheesedaele, depends on the gear and i HOPE to God it's not a durian

But honestly, i've never seen any gear get messed up just cause you plugged it into the wrong in/output

Dude Lemonade!.. hAHAHAHA! ROFLMFAO! that's like the funniest post yet this year.. HAHA!

Awesome anology. No offense to anyone though, but if that isn't effecting gear talk.. I dont know what is! haha!

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