Plugging cables into wrong input/output of pedal

Eh I really wanna know.. why his/her Rep Power so power?

Ask James. Haha.

@Santana: How about you not being a smartass? Got the guts to call me a smartass and down rep on the way, then have the guts to say it openly here.
Okay if they say no, because these things generally do not happen, then what if your pedal screws up? You gonna give them stick just cause they said it doesn't happen? Nothing is absolute. If you're so worried about your pedal why not take it to ten guitar shops for consultation instead of doubting our answers.
You could be a bit more open-minded since you're the one seeking answers.

I'll bet there's a tiny number of pedals out there that won't respond kindly to signal coming in the wrong way. But generally no damage.

You bet? So what are the pedals that will get damaged this way?
Ask James. Haha.

@Santana: How about you not being a smartass? Got the guts to call me a smartass and down rep on the way, then have the guts to say it openly here.
Okay if they say no, because these things generally do not happen, then what if your pedal screws up? You gonna give them stick just cause they said it doesn't happen? Nothing is absolute. If you're so worried about your pedal why not take it to ten guitar shops for consultation instead of doubting our answers.

Are you a generally a guy or a gal? Is 1 + 1 generally = 2? My point is, when a question asks for yes/no but you answer with an answer that is not yes/no, it does not help matters, and is just a useless comment.

I'm not doubting answers that answer my question. But answers that don't answer my question are useless comments, not answers. I'm looking for yes/no answers, not "generally", "maybe", "cause an earthquake", "I bet..." etc.
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There would be no damage to the pedal AFAIK. However, feeding it with the wrong power supply on the other hand is a different story.

The TS is asking a very straight forward qns. we should help by giving him/her a straight forward ans.

Dude i agree with you.
But although we have not experienced it before does not mean it won't happen. That's why we say in most cases/generally. Because if it happens it's a rarity.
So are Gibsons generally good or always good?
Maths and gender is different from guitars and gear, please use, uhm, VALID ANALOGIES. Thanks.

Don't confuse yourself and others here.

Gibson good or bad is subjective. Electrical science, maths and gender are absolute. I'm asking an electrical science question so the answer is absolute. I'm not asking subjective question like Gibson good or bad, which you can use "generally".

So when you answer an electrical science question with "generally", it's just like answering maths and gender questions with "generally". Why did you even drag in Gibson good or bad this kind of subjective question in anyway, it's totally meaningless and doesn't fit this thread and the question asked here at all.
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dear santana, let me give you a definitive answer

NO, you wont damaged your pedals when you reverse the input and output

But if you do it and damaged it, i will be the first one to laugh, laugh in my sleep and saying ORBI GOOT. Reason being, iam not the one the pay for the damaged, having the need to pay for any damage or having responsibility to provide any compensation as there is no legally binding contract between you and me.

Song boh?
oh yeah, one more thing to add on.

This will be my last post in the thread and my last word here is,

No, you wont damaged your effect pedals by reversing the input and output But if you do damaged your effect, i will still be happy for you and hold no responsibility at all!
Hahaha pathein.

Okay, let's leave the poor guy alone. He wants definite answer only, or else his world will collapse. Unfortunately we don't have 100% money back guaranteed definite answers for him. Good luck!
Don't confuse yourself and others here.

Gibson good or bad is subjective. Electrical science, maths and gender are absolute. I'm asking an electrical science question so the answer is absolute. I'm not asking subjective question like Gibson good or bad, which you can use "generally".

So when you answer an electrical science question with "generally", it's just like answering maths and gender questions with "generally". Why did you even drag in Gibson good or bad this kind of subjective question in anyway, it's totally meaningless and doesn't fit this thread and the question asked here at all.

If all pedals are wired the same, then yes, a definite answer will be provided.
Pedals are wired differently. <----READ THIS LIKE TEN TIMES PLEASE.
Generally they will not spoil. But in the rare chance the wiring is such that it will spoil, and if it happens to your pedal, then what, are you gonna come here crying cause we said it wouldn't spoil but your precious pedal bailed on you?
YES or NO is not an electronics answer. The electronics answer is that if it is wired in this certain way, it won't spoil, however if it is wired in this other way, then yes the pedal will be affected and therefore spoil. Duh.
oh yeah, one more thing to add on.

This will be my last post in the thread and my last word here is,

No, you wont damaged your effect pedals by reversing the input and output But if you do damaged your effect, i will still be happy for you and hold no responsibility at all!

Hahaha pathein.

Okay, let's leave the poor guy alone. He wants definite answer only, or else his world will collapse. Unfortunately we don't have 100% money back guaranteed definite answers for him. Good luck!

+100000000000000000000000 to you both....
I'm done here too...
If all pedals are wired the same, then yes, a definite answer will be provided.
Pedals are wired differently. <----READ THIS LIKE TEN TIMES PLEASE.
Generally they will not spoil. But in the rare chance the wiring is such that it will spoil, and if it happens to your pedal, then what, are you gonna come here crying cause we said it wouldn't spoil but your precious pedal bailed on you?
YES or NO is not an electronics answer. The electronics answer is that if it is wired in this certain way, it won't spoil, however if it is wired in this other way, then yes the pedal will be affected and therefore spoil. Duh.

So what are the pedals that will spoil? Since you said generally won't spoil.
hehe, even if i get banned here, also nevermind liao, Iam back from dead!

The pedals that will be screwed by reversing the input and output are the pedals you have and going to get in future.

The pedals that wont be screwed by reversing the input and output, are the pedals that i have and rest of what other bros in the forum have.
its not "someone", it is me who say one.

The info is widely mentioned on the internet and can be easily found by using search engines online

Hehe, but where or how to search, that one......

Mai ka li kong, hor li gian...

Song boh???

If cant understand the above, try google hokkien to english translator yeah.

bro Path
You wanna tell us the exact pedal you are concerned you will ruin with the reversing?

Demanding an absolute answer to your question is highly ignorant considering the millions of pedal builders out there and the wonky things they do with their products. If you are going to want to get an absolute answer, be our guest, go ahead and order like every donkey monkey cow pedal out there and try reversing the input/output. Think many of us here will gladly help work through the list then.

I don't think you deserve this after the disrespect you've shown the people here who are at the very least genuinely trying to help you get closer to the answer you are looking for, but here's what Pathein was talking about when he mentioned the reversed wah: