heh, the one asking question doubting the answers given even though everyone else gave the correct answer and the only wrong answer, ironically, is from the perception of one asking.
Anyway, audio signal is audio signal, power is power. In a pedal, these 2 things, doesnt meet. The power circuit is of different path to audio circuit.
Even if we are talking about the voltage level of audio signal from geetar/geetar effect pedals, its pretty much low level signal which prolly in negligible values.
If theres any pedal that can get damged just by reversing the input and output, imho, dont waste money on it. Oh yeah, many many years ago,a famous geetarers discover about reversing the wah wah pedal input/output and got himself a sea gull sound which ended up in his band recording.
anyway, if wanna more info on audio signal voltage level, here