Pls listen and comment! Thanx! (Reuploaded)


New member
Hi, after so long i managed to do a recording! this one was inpromt2, juz a free play thingy, got some hiccups at the end at 1:40 something of Freeplay Sequencing! i was juz fooling arnd when the drum loop ended!

so pls listen and comment! so dat i can improve myself to be a better guitarist and join the "crowd" of being a Good Guitarist!

Thanx alot in advance!

Heres the link, if its expired pls let me knw i'll re upload it again!

And this one is on freeplay tapping!

you use exclamation marks like fullstops.

not bad la your playing, gets dull after a while though. try to improve on your phrasing?

may i ask how you recorded this?
daryl said:
you use exclamation marks like fullstops.

haha! so used to it aready!

daryl said:
gets dull after a while though
Wat do u mean?! where does it get dull bro?!

daryl said:
try to improve on your phrasing?
prashing do u mean as in licks after licks, as in the melody wise and the transitions?!

daryl said:
may i ask how you recorded this?
i used Audacity to record this! i did it track by track! the drum track i got it off the net, form one of the links i got in this forum too!

Thanx for the comments Daryl! Realy appreciate it alot!
Ive had no proper or professional training or guidance frm a teacher as i cant afford one! i did take lessons at Yamaha years back for awhile den quit!

So watever i learnt or play is purely self taught! n i feel being self taught has its limits too! :cry:
Pls don take my questions offensively cos i don mean it offensive in any way at all! cos the comments and constructive critisim will only help me improve realising my weakness!

Thanx again!
i got 1 comment - dont multi post in different section of the forum. :smt018
phrasing as in how you play/group the notes, timing wise.

for the first clip, your phrasing isnt that bad but some parts can actually phrase in a different way but you chose to play them the same way like you did the rest of the notes. and you shouldnt pay like continuously and bind all the notes together. try to take "breaks" in between? just like how a sax player cant play without stopping to take breaths and like how a vocalist cant sing without taking a breath every now and then. my explanation sucks cause i dont know a lot of terms haha.

second clip, the first section, all the notes are played in the same timing. makes it dull especially so because the tempo is so low. then there's this second section where you play faster. you could like play slow... then fast then slow or something like that.

just my opinion, feel free to disagree with me :D
oh ok! i think i get wat ur saying! Thanx alot Daryl! Wat u meant is, "imagine" im a Vox or using a wind instrument, i'd definately need a break inbetween! a in not playing continously rite?!

thanx alot! i'll work on improving!
Tahnx Daryl! Appreciate it alot!