Plexi, Plexi, Plexi!


New member
Not Plexi! Not Plexi! Not Plexi!

Hey all!

I've been looking (as long as I can remember) some very long time for a pedal that resembles this amplifier; Marshall MG30DFX ( ).

SOFTies recommended me the BlackStar HT-Dist but its a 16V pedal :( Need something a little more compact to go with my PT-JR and Voodoo Lab PP2+; think can use the 5/6 slot for more V but its just too big (size)

Are there any other more compact in size pedal with a sound like this for recommendation? Been looking for a long time, can't find something close to this :( Please advise! Thanks.

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sorry but the amp u mentioned is in no way anything close to what a plexi sounds like. im not being a snob, but it isnt even close. if u are looking for brit type pedals there are quite an array on the market, best is to always go and try. cos some will tout theirs as the best 'marshall in a box' out there but its all subjective. for me the best hybrid to get a brit type tone yet usable with any amp is an MI audio crunchbox however its not a plexi and lacks all that hair and glass. ud be better off with a lovepedal purple plexi for something like that. or maybe a menatone KOTB.
I think, you may not know what a Marshall Plexi really sounds like. Listen to Van Halen I album. Thats a Plexi at full bore..

I doubt the Blackstar does plexi. You might want to give the MI Audio Crunchbox a try. I use a Menatone KOTB but its not easy to find here and they're costly but it nails the 68' Plexi dead on.
oops. my bad. are there other pedals that resembles the tone of the mg30 then? sorry for the misleading title. thanks for the recommendations.
Newbie, I mean this is the nicest way possible, but no pedal-maker in his/her right mind is going to make a pedal to replicate the sound of an MG30.
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If you want the tone of the MG30, just buy the thing. Solves all your issues. getting a Plexi-like pedal would cost you more than the MG30 IMHO.

And I fail to see how you equate the MG30 to a Plexi. When people talk about a Plexi, they are talking about a 100W all-tube guitar amplifier head, not a 30W solid-state combo amp.

^ Plexiiiiiii

Will be nice if you peeps can help me out a little instead of mocking my understanding of plexi. Don't need get so uptight over what's right or wrong I hope, though I did admit for being sorry about the misleading title.

I'm looking for a pedal that sounds somewhat like mg30dfx, I own the amp; which is why I know how it sounds. Why isn't there pedal makers who might make a pedal that sounds like MG30DFX? There are people who make some really nasty and disgusting distortion pedals anyway. Aren't they just trying to mimic your fave amps or pre-amps one way or the other? :(

Am just hoping someone will be kind enough to share (due to my limited knowledge of pedals) any pedals in the market that sounds close enough to this MG30DFX amplifier.

Again, before this turns out to be a typical angsty guitar-pros-flame-guitar-noob thread, I apologize for the misleading title and somewhat sarcastic posts. Just lend a helping hand for this humble Newbie in search for his holy grail? :( Thank yew very much!

Best Regards,
I assure you, there isn't a single pedal that was made to sound like an MG30DFX, for a variety of reasons. I'm not being lovelovelovelovelovelove-y, there just isn't.
Why isn't there pedal makers who might make a pedal that sounds like MG30DFX?

Like jskadiang mentioned, no one would want to replicate a solid state amp into a pedal. Tube amp into a pedal, yes. But not something like that.

No offense but IMO the MG series has a terrible drive section. I don't know but if that distortion tone is your "holy grail", you're pretty different. But then again I am in no position to comment because tone is subjective.

Try a Boss MIT DS-1. I have no idea. Or maybe some Behringer.
Not criticizing your choice of tone, but let's look at it logically, in terms of demand and supply.

As a pedal maker, would you sell a product, putting your sweat and your own money into it, that wouldn't even be demanded? In this case, a pedal that resembles a particular amplifier in tonal structure. There are plenty of pedals out there that cater to the Marshall crowd, from a JTM to JCM to a Jubilee to a Plexi, etc etc. Plenty of pedals to fill the gap and why? Because the demand is great enough. This shows why pedals like the BoR REALLY sells. Large demand, large supply.
Now we'll see where there's large demand, limited supply. Pedals that emulate the legendary HiWatt. Not many no? Hence the reason the pedals that do emulate like the BJFe Model H and Catalinbread WIIO is very, very rare and when they are for sale, they are instantly snapped up.

Now we shall see the MG30DFX. Simple low end amp to cater to those who are starting to play guitar, with mediocre sound quality at best. It can sound like heaven to some, hell to others. It's a personal choice nonetheless. The amp is cheap enough to be purchased, light enough to be hauled, and not astounding enough to warren a troop of pedal builders to make a pedal with THAT sound (since it's not a sellable sound, and the amp can be lugged around unlike an AC30) :mrgreen:

So to answer your question, NO there is no pedal that sounds like the amp, but a Marshall emulating drive?

AMT British Sound
BJF Dyna Red
Carl Martin Plexitone
Catalinbread DLS
Ed Guidry's BSIAB II
Electro Harmonix English Muff'n
Emma ReezaFratzitz
Fulltone OCD
GeekMacDaddy British Ball Breaker
Greer Amplification Sucker Punch
HAO Rust Driver
Himmelstrutz Fetto
Indyguitarist Plexi-Drive
Indyguitarist Plextortion
Jetter Gain Stage Black
Jetter Gain Stage Blue
Jetter Gain Stage Purple
Kaden Brown Creeper
Line 6 Crunchtone
Lovekraft Mojodrive
Lovepedal COT 50
Lovepedal Purple Plexi 100
Lovepedal Purple Plexi 800
M.A.D. Cold Gin
Marshall Bluesbreaker Mark I
Marshall Guvnor
Menatone Foxy Brown
Menatone King of the Britains
Menatone Working Man’s Blue
MI Audio Crunch Box
OLC Eighteen
OLC Thor
OLC Thunderchief
Snarling Dogs Black Dog
Tech21 SansAmp British (w built in cab simulation, not meant to be used with amp)
Toadworks Death Rattle
Toadworks Mr. Ed
Tonebone Hot British
V-Stack Classic
Xactone Atomic Overdrive
Zvex Box of Rock

Here's an incomplete list I found online. Hope it helps!
Ok too many big terms; I'm just a newbie :(

So bottom-line to many, no pedal makers will want to emulate a solid state but more like trying to create pedals that sounds like distinctive-toob-amps? Ok got it.

How about something NEEEARRRRRRRR that type of sound? Or is it just too solid-state for any pedal makers to prefer. And yes, it isn't plexi :S

Oops, I didn't come in with a mindset that there is a pedal that is made to emulate the MG series but more like something close to that line. Then again I haven't been very clear with my words from the start. :(

Are the tones from Bon Jovi / Skid Row - Plexi?
Are the tones from Bon Jovi / Skid Row - Plexi?

If I remember correctly right, Sambora uses a Marshall JCM800, its not a plexi, can sound like one but not dead on. Skid Row uses JCM800s also i think.

Now, if you want recommendations for pedals that sound like JCM800s, you're going to get plenty.