

New member
Guys i wanna ask about phrasing ... sometimes i phrase some of the scale but S**T come out ... like pentatonic scale i phrase sometimes come out CHinese Melodic Sound .. really suck ... can help me advice how to build up our phrasing things
heh cause some typical chinese intruments eg. gu zheng plays only the notes of the pentatonic scale!

Must make use of timing, bends, vibrato and muting and play out of the pentatonic box.
phrasing is like "making correct sentences out of different words" u got alot of vocabulary of notes but u need to make it in a way it will sound nice . Try The pentatonic minor scale in A ... with that scale u can make the "KUNGFU MASTER soundtrack" but with that scale too u can make crazy Stuff like hm... "Fuel" by metallica , the beggining there is this pentatonic box thingy . hope it helps ... hehehe
DoubleBlade said:
You must be playing C major pentatonic scale! :D

not definitely the correct answer though , i played in all minor pentatonic can sometimes come out that stupid sound ... :lol: :lol:
frankly I dont see whats wrong in getting different sounds out of one scale...thats more related to note choice than phrasing....

but to answer your question....listen to chick corea and frank zappa....and try jammin on their choice of phrasin....


ps.I think someone asked what phrasing is....its the difference between say... a robot speaking(monotonous) and a human speaking(dynamic??)...the emphasis laid on notes due to certain gaps or rests in between notes...or the number of notes....
BloodSolo said:
Guys i wanna ask about phrasing ... sometimes i phrase some of the scale but S**T come out ... like pentatonic scale i phrase sometimes come out CHinese Melodic Sound .. really suck ... can help me advice how to build up our phrasing things

haha yea i know, i was once like that too i guess its just natural, you will grow out of it soon. In the meanwhile, you can listen to david gilmour for phrasing ideas.
Phrasing is like talking. Accents, emphasis, pauses, etc.

This article (not entirely on phrasing) along with some practise, helped me out a fair bit.

Also, Check this out.

Hope I've helped.
so far ive been listening to alot of blues and also a whole chunk of steve vai when it come to phrasing.

be it funny, sad, angry, happy...thats phrasing for you. its how you put your emotions on your guitar. scales is just one of the many ways to go about it.

i depend alot on my technique to phrase. currently im doing alot of percussive picking to get that angry/sad feeling. i use small legato runs to impose watery/smooth/sleek tones.

its the technqiue. its all about your personal preference.

effects can help too. i depend alot on my vox wah for those funkyy feelings.

yep, listen to alot of blues, alot of the stuff there is improvised. listen to alot of different styles too, try to work out what they are doing, and dont just listen to guitar music.

try to think of what u want to play in your head, before u play, how it sounds, how the notes are spaced, melodic line etc.

dont worry i used to be like u, i still need alot of practice though, with some practice u can groove all night long :D

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