Pedal Talk

6 pedals ah? ok, i'll put them in my 'Simlim Westfield' gig bag. Stripped-down gig rig:

Vox 848 wah, MI audio crunchbox, Xotic BB preamp, RC booster, Voodoo Lab Microvibe, Boss DD20.

eh.. tuner counted or not? if not counted then i'll sneak in a Strobostomp. if counted then take out the microvibe :P

actually this is enough to cover just about all the stuff that i play. maybe i should sell the others :oops:
6 pedals is quite a luxury... Anyway here's mine, which in turn is also my present setup..

BD2->TS9DX->guyatone metal monster->CE5->FL9->DD3
DS-1 (modded) -> Ibanez DE-7 -> PH-3 -> AC-3 -> Jim Dunlop 535Q -> DT-10

should be about there... although im planning on 5 now (without the 535Q).
kank_39 said:
6 pedals is quite a luxury... Anyway here's mine, which in turn is also my present setup..

BD2->TS9DX->guyatone metal monster->CE5->FL9->DD3


My choice:

Teese RMC2 --> Citrus --> Boss CE-2 --> A/B/tuner out Looper (btw clean/dist) --> Blackstone --> Skreddy Screwdriver

And I'll take a Boss TU-12 NON-pedal tuner. Does that count? :D
PatheinRaindropMoe said:
tuner, aby box, feedback looper, truebypass looper, killswitch in a box, noise supressor...

i rikes your combo! no gain but still need a noise supressor! you are goodness!
i worship ur wisdom!

bakes potatoes is the new RICE! hurhurhur :D
true bypass box - true bypass box - true bypass box - true bypass box - true bypass box - true bypass box -
Is recording once with Vox Wah. Very noisy. Pathein's NS-2 saved my bollocks... He is rocksss...

Btw, bro ciel, I didn't know you also jia kantang, bro...
Ernie Ball vol jr
- BBpreamp(coming soon)
- Barber direct
- Xotic RC booster
- planet waves pedal tuner
- BBE sonic stomp.

my visual sound h20 and JnH been seriously underused recently...
whoa cool. since its pedal talk, i wanna ask some stuff related to pedals.

how do u guys mod pedals? any tutorials?
how come no one uses weeping demon wah pedal?

what's a pedal tuner?
hi 17wil
i'm a weeping demon user too!

wad are you guy's setting?

mine is Q:9 LO:1 Range:Low
hey grey, nah i dun use weeping demon.
havent buy it yet.
tried my fren's one.
i really luv it.
and like u said, pretty easy to use.
roughly how much is it now at swee lee?

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