S satch New member Sep 12, 2005 #21 DAVID! hihi! haha, thanks man. and i bet ure enjoying ur new guitar eh?! post some recordings of it!
EvilGtr Member Sep 12, 2005 #22 yea i did so.... leave me a note for my eric johnson cover thread? keke
H hay88 New member Sep 13, 2005 #24 i would say it was much better den the first....very professional your tone, vocals everything improved!
i would say it was much better den the first....very professional your tone, vocals everything improved!
S satch New member Sep 14, 2005 #27 no problem. here it is again!!! http://s10.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=0AQPWZ22EW3KW2S4P9BUFXYRU5
M MrRhoads Member Sep 14, 2005 #28 hey thanks pretty nice vocals, mixing. watch out for timing & bends you've improved Enjoy!
S satch New member Sep 14, 2005 #29 thanks a lot bro,.! comin from mr RHOADS. thats meant quite a lot to me! Randy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks a lot bro,.! comin from mr RHOADS. thats meant quite a lot to me! Randy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
H hay88 New member Sep 14, 2005 #32 dong i think u should join me and start sporting shades i got the idea from iommi anyway...but maybe u get those circular ones la
dong i think u should join me and start sporting shades i got the idea from iommi anyway...but maybe u get those circular ones la
S satch New member Sep 14, 2005 #33 lol, dont want, i look kuku in shades. muahahhaa, and i need degreed ones anyway
H hay88 New member Sep 14, 2005 #34 nah...i think u keep your hair longer...plus your black jacket....maybe get a few tattoos...my blue shades are degreed
nah...i think u keep your hair longer...plus your black jacket....maybe get a few tattoos...my blue shades are degreed
S satch New member Sep 14, 2005 #35 lol, why do i wanna look like IOMMI!?!?!??!ojawjdjawihdhaoxnqwn :lol:
V Vaiyen New member Sep 14, 2005 #36 umm, seriously hay, those shades you wear make you look a little 'uncle' leh! but maybe that's the whole idea??
umm, seriously hay, those shades you wear make you look a little 'uncle' leh! but maybe that's the whole idea??
S satch New member Sep 14, 2005 #37 no lah, where got uncle, but someone ever told me kx looks gothic
H hay88 New member Sep 14, 2005 #38 hahaha maybe...i look young la...so many they make me lok older... dong: the idea is for you to look like ozzy tt's why round shades
hahaha maybe...i look young la...so many they make me lok older... dong: the idea is for you to look like ozzy tt's why round shades