Overdrive Pedals


New member
Guys, I have a Fender '57 Twin Amp, and a Clapton Strat.

I like the tone, especially when cranked up. However it is too loud for the home if I want to play in the evening..

So I bought a Boss pedal (forgot which one). Nomatter how I tune it, it is not working for me.

Now I see that tubescreamer and OCD are better pedal, so which one would you recommend? Or any other good ones?
MXR zakk wylde overdrive
Ibanez Tube screamer
Coffin Case blood drive

all good in one way or another
Try the cool cat transparent overdrive. It has a setting that can help you to get that woman tone.. it sounds something like the real thing.. In My Opinion.
Firstly, there are no 'better' pedals, only those that you deem does the job better.

I'd recommend the Skreddy Screwdriver. Definitely a versatile pedal to do all sorts of things, from a clean boost, sweet dynamic overdrive, to a tasty fuzz.

Tubescreamers pairs up well with Tweeds so be sure to check out a plain ol' Ibanez/Maxon 808.. If you want more juice and options to your 808, the SRB 808+ (http://www.effectspedalboutique.com/product.sc?productId=5&categoryId=2) have been getting RAVE reviews.. If you ain't willing to import, check out the Fulltone FD-2, HBE Power Screamer or MJM Phantom OD at Blackwood Guitars..

Not sure about OCDs, I've heard it with mixed results. On tube amps, it has rocked on my friend's Fender Pro Jr, but really sounds bad on his Deluxe Reverb Reissue.. But when it works, it's really good!

Try the cool cat transparent overdrive. It has a setting that can help you to get that woman tone.. it sounds something like the real thing.. In My Opinion.

Actually woman tone is more of SG (tone rolled back), fuzz face, JTM45 at breaking point. IMO to get close to the woman tone you need a fuzz at least, not an OD..