over rated and under rated guitarists

Lol.. Okay Mr Eugene Smasher, since you're so smart, may I kindly know what determines popularity figures (since they are statistics)? In case you are still scratching your head, they are determined by individual opinions of thousands and thousands of people who make up the statistics.

It is because many people feel they like Slash, and buy his album, or rate him highly in polls, that's why he's popular. And if no one liked GNR or Slash, would he still be popular? Duh... lol...

IMO, overrated and underrated is NOT about individual perception.

Whether or not you like Slash, he is still one of the most acclaimed guitarists in the world. Popularity figures are statistics - not personal opinion.

It is true that some people allow their personal opinions to cloud their judgment of overrated or underrated. But I don't.
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Underrated: Frank Zappa

Need I say more? Just listen to his music. Too little people these days know who this genius is.
@alvbobo: Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion. I too think Slash is a little overrated in terms of skill, but i do not deny that he is popular, and in fact i like his material for its beauty in its simplicity. Whether people like our personal favourites is really none of our business.

I shall add acoustic guitarists here:

Overrated: Justin King. While he has absolutely amazing technique, i feel his pieces don't have much direction, they don't captivate me as much as McKee's. I only like Phunkdified, but even then it gets repititive towards the end.

Just right: Andy McKee and Tommy Emmanuel. 2 of my all-time favourite acoustic guitarists, these 2 are geniuses. They've got the popularity to go with it. If i can, i'll go catch Emmanuel in Singapore. Anyone in with me?
Hi loldude.
Yea I reckon everyone has his or her own opinion. ;)

What about guitarists locally? Is there any single guitarist who made it big in Singapore, or is at least well known?
Just a thinker.
Oh dear how could we forget the soooooooo underrated FGL........master teach me how to play guitar please.......i grovel at your feet. Hehehehehehe.
Paul Kossof. Died too young. Super under rated. Incredible feel and phrasing, topped off with the most insane vibrato that puts Yngwie Malmsteen to shame.
Guthrie govan,joe bonamassa,michael shenker,uli jon roth and lastly kiko loureiro although i dont really listen much to his music:p