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Our Coalition, a month long multi-faceted and multi disciplined symposium, is brought about by a group of people who seek to establish a voice and to pave a lifestyle based on the DIY (Do-It-Yourself) mentality, attittute and (counter/sub)culture.
More than just propagating the idea of living life without being too dependent on others, it also involves socio-political connotations and objectives, and strives to be free from the exploitative and plastic society that this world is based on.
Our Coalition involves punks, writers, musician, artists, painters, designers, photographers, event organizers and many others who all have come together to create a lively free spirited environment for a month in the Random Room @ The Substation to promote and foster a 'think DIY' mentality.
This month long event will feature exhibitions, demonstrations, discussions, forums, dialogues, readings and various other initatives that reflect the artistic and social components that revolve around us.
Our Coalition not only serves to showcase various aspects of the DIY culture in Singapore, but also aims to nurture a true understanding of such a lifestyle. Apart from just hoping to attract other DIY advocates in Singapore, this event also wishes to cultivate a strong contacts-network for all.

"Our Coalition"
Venue : The Random Room @ The Substation
Everyday of September, except Tuesdays and Thursdays
Moderated by : LIONCITYDIY.com (a de-centralized collective)
1 Sept (Saturday)
Starts 3pm, ends 10pm
* Opening of Septfest *
Introduction to DIY
An icebreaker meeting of DIY collectives, as well as an introduction-type gathering for the uninitiated and the clueless.
2 Sept (Sunday)
Starts 2pm ends 9pm
Zine exhibition // DIY networking session
What are zines? How do you make them?
What are DIY artists? How does one define them?
Are they connected? Find out.
3 Sept (Monday)
Starts 3pm ends 9pm
- Zine exhibition
- Respecting The Space (discussion)
Spaces, venues and studios. We use them all the time. The punks use them for gigs, artists use them for exhibitions and performers use them for rehearsals. But do we fully understand the science of running a space? Very often we take for granted the availability of the space we have to do our thing, yet very seldom we make the effort to give something back. Where can we strike a balance? What defines a compromise, an abuse and an act of ‘giving back’?
4 Sept (Tuesday)
5 Sept (Wednesday)
Starts 3pm ends 9pm
- Literature exhibition
Reading is something everyone does, but is there a limit to the definition of 'literature'? What does this have to do with the concept of open-mic performances, poetry/dramatized readings and acoustic performances?
(7pm : Open mic / poetry reading / acoustic performances)
6 Sept (Thursday)
7 Sept (Friday)
Starts 3pm – 9pm
The Concept of Sound Design
- Punkrockers and bedroom musicians are very talented people. Tunes, music and songs have always been inspirational to all sorts of human beings. However some of them will never want to sell their bands out to the corporate major label world called the music industry. But what happens when they need to start to keep the roof over their heads? They can opt for the easy path of rockstardom, go into the world of teaching or seek an alternative. That alternative is sound design.
It has become less uncommon for bands or musicians to come up with original scores for plays, feature films and musicals.
This discussion aims to introduce the concept of sound design to the uninitiated, and hopes to complement it all by having a live interview of a band who has done it before. Not to compete, but to broaden the horizons and nurture opportunities for the otherwise-starving musician.
8 Sept (Saturday)
Starts 2pm – 9pm
DIY artist summit
- (3pm to 5pm) Artist brainstorming session
- (5pm – 7pm) Artist discussion for 22 Sept Tunnel party
- (7pm – 9pm) Knowing Your Laws (discussion)
how many of us know our laws? how many of us know what exactly constitutes a crime? How many of us actually know what to do? Do we really know what’s legal and what’s not? Are we intentional menaces or are we just ignorant?
This discussion aims to educate the misinformed about what we should do and what we can do should the ‘system’ turn against us either in the name of malice or through our own unintended misfortunes.
9 Sept (Sunday)
Starts 3pm – ends 9pm
In Noise We Trust
What is noise? Is it an artform? Why is it also called anti-music? Should it be viewed from a totally non-musician perspective for it to be appreciated?
10 Sept (Monday)
Starts 5pm ends 9pm
Fine Art Jam
- Random drawing and painting session with work either to be auctioned off or displayed for the rest of the month across the Substation
11 Sept (Tuesday)
12 Sept (Wednesday)
Starts 3pm - 9pm
They Said…
- - Original interviews of musicians, bands, groups and individuals, either in printed or audio form, to be exhibited here. Lifted from zines/videos and C-60 cassettes
13 Sept (Thursday)
14 Sept (Friday)
Starts 3pm – 9pm
Flea Market
Flea Market for anyone to sell their wares! Simple enough, yea?
15 Sept (Saturday)
Starts 2pm – 9pm
The Anti Jobfair
- unprecendented and controversial attempt at introducing (and throwing) DIY advocates to the real world of society, work, food, money and shelter, and urging a constructive response out of it. Also billed as an umbrella event for some of the proposed topic matters, this event aims to create a network that can further develop skills attained by punks, artists and other ‘alternative types’ to help generate income for their very own human need to survive.
Can that home sound engineer one day survive by being a sound designer in theater? Can that punkrocker survive as an actor?
Can that home shirt printer one day create her own line of independent clothing?
Can he one day realize his dream of being a writer?
Expect no formalities nor pretentiousness, just an in your face response by the DIY community, to a world dominated by the juggernauts of capitalism
16 Sept (Sunday)
Starts 2pm – 9pm
Natural Drawings – A Photography Exhibition
- Photographers from the DIY community to display their work around the random room
- Forum / Networking session at 7pm
17 Sept (Monday)
Starts 3pm-9pm
Punkrock Poster / Photography / Video summit
Archives in print or reel of punkrock shows and culture. Original independent clips only please...
18 Sept (Tuesday)
19 Sept (Wednesday)
Starts 4pm – 9pm
The Punk Wayang
: Project Out//Cast :
- Punk shows are often epitomised by raw energy, there is no perfect moment, no ideal climax. There is no script and no co-ordinated dance moves. But some punks are actors, some even by profession. Some want to pick it up but have no idea how. This is a drama jam initiated by punks but open to everyone. What could come out of this? A skit? A note worthy script?
- Proposed gathering of theater enthusiasts and practitioners from the DIY community
- Open Discussion on feasibility of first production of a punk-operated drama troupe
20 Sept (Thursday)
21 Sept (Friday)
Starts 3pm – 10pm
Distro & Label 101 // Zinedom 101
- Display/exhibition/summit of independent music labels/distributors in Singapore
- Displays of zines
- How to run your own label/distro /zine (moderated discussion)
22 Sept (Saturday)
- Random Room to be a free space for artists to relax and mingle
- Literature/flyers to be displayed for random reading in between events
23 Sept (Sunday)
Starts 3pm – 9pm
- why buy when you can do everything yourself, or support those who put in the effort to? a showcase of independent clothing collectives and regular people who dictate their own sense of fashion. shirts, patches and whatnot, you name it, we've got it. includes a live silkscreen demo as well as sale of related items.
24 Sept (Monday)
Starts 4pm - 9pm
cassettes, more than just a near extinct format of music. look out for a display of dozens of cassette tapes, some that have been produced in recent times. discover some interesting facts as well as their role in keeping music independent.
25 Sept (Tuesday)
26 Sept (Wednesday)
Starts 4pm to 9pm
Creative Art Jam / Free Day
No concrete activity to be planned that day, artists all over are welcome to utilize the room for ad hoc projects (ie: ‘watch-some-videos’ day) and/or to discuss upcoming plans
27 Sept (Thursday)
28 Sept (Friday)
Starts 4pm – 9pm
Musician’s Workshop
- where musicians gather and formulate ideas
- tip-trading on guitar tricks, cheap sales on musical instruments, etc
- home recordings
- technical information ie: tuning, utilizing distort and feedback, etc
- moderated discussion
29 Sept (Saturday)
Starts 3pm – 9pm
South East Asian Hardcore Punk exhibition
- exhibition/display of music, art, video and literature from Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and The Philippines
30 Sept (Sunday)
Gig day (gig to be held at Substation Guinness Theater, more info soon), Random Room to be utilized as storage / chill out space for gig crew and performers