Original Song - Hope (rock)

Awesome man .. honestly.. your songwriting is really fantastic... ive not heard songs that sound so well written for a loonng time.. i can only hope to produce something of this quality in the future.

5 stars!
bro, thanks for the encouragement man! thanks for the listen too! glad ya liked it. and you've got pm! (lengthy one lei...keke)
hey soyzabean / elevenine - thanks for listening! it was recorded at home actually. drums were loops and i used an ibanez bass direct to my mixer, and i mic'ed up my amp for the guitar parts. erm, vocals were me singing into a condenser mic in my room la. thanks for the encouraging words. glad u guys liked it! cheers :D
BLOODY HELL!!!! HOME RECORDING??????WHAT??????TEACH ME O' GREAT ONE,THE ART OF SUCH FANTASTIC HOME RECORDING QUALITY!!!!!! dude, im serious man, it is unbelievable.......u got pm :D
hey fibredrive, the drum loops sound awesome! i never thought much about using loops cos i never believed i could find the right one for the songs..but you did a fine job there!

mind sharing what collection the drumloops were taken from? i'm always on the lookout for what other people used, cos i did my recordings using beats that i programmed cos i could never find the perfect drum loop..and if you listen a little harder you can tell my drums are programmed..:P
hi hongkongspy - thanks for the kind words. took me about 2 weeks to write and record everything. but its all fun. heh.

hi elevenine - i tried programming beats before too but honestly found it all a little tiresome. heh. i use loops i bought from betamonkeyloops.com. think i bought about 5 different collections so i got plenty to choose from. and it's pretty decently priced too! cheers
just checked out the beta monkey site..awesome loops they have there! and you're right..i can't believe the price! great stuff.
wow. real talents here man. good to see ppl composing songs about jesus. haha. Love the song "Broken". Got a dam nice shred solo at the end. Did u play the solo too? :)
wow. real talents here man. good to see ppl composing songs about jesus. haha. Love the song "Broken". Got a dam nice shred solo at the end. Did u play the solo too?

eh heh. i wish. nope. friend of mine helped me on that one.
just checked out the beta monkey site..awesome loops they have there! and you're right..i can't believe the price! great stuff.

glad ya think so too. they got another webbie up now, some kind of collaboration. its called drumwerks or something. very decently priced too. not loops tho. samples mostly.