- Ling

eric ng

i'm not sure what to say to him or what to ask him for. and i can only do english songs, so i can forget it unless i change name, change skin colour, go LA, make it there, and come back to singalittlepore!

Coco Lee, Tanya Chua, Kit Chan, stephanie sun ... most Miss Hongkong are not from chinese speaking background.

blueshoes, right now, you need to network and get every opportunity to showcase your talents.

dont limit yourself.

if Eric would ask alvinthedrummer to session some drum tracks, i think alvinthedrummer would be able to handle it too.

music is the language. english, chinese, malay, cantonese ... is just another instrument.
Thats what I meant....unless Ling decides to sing in chinese like how tanya and Stephanie did....

I know music is a language, but commercial music is business. Chinese music is what sells best here so its the instrument she needs to start utililizing to break into that market.

Drum tracks are the same for any music setting....drums can't speak chinese or english, so its different from the melodic and language point of view.
If I'm not wrong, Eric Ng produced for West Grand Boulevard. A couple of other english bands approached him as well. So I don't think he limits himself to just mando music. He is very approachable. There is no harm just going up to him for a chat when you see him at the OpenStage :)
nice voice, nice song.. but i prefer larkin step to this song. but they are both good! this song is rather short..

my friend comments that your voice reminds her of tanya chua.

P.S.: the applause from the audience is rather.. disappointing..
ling! i love your stuff.

i find it quite amusing that you glam yourself up more to play in your room than in front of a live audience though =)

lovely original material, keep writing and playing
oh man..

james: i need to record my demos properly before i can send them to anyone! right now they sound like shit.

anyone with suggestions as to where i can find a cheap place to do my recordings quickly?

what gear to use, etc? i only have one lousy condenser mic and my garageband on ibook. bloody hell.

haha. i'm sure there's a thread here somewhere. i should just go an read up...

visa: i didn't dress up because i was having a massive hang over that day. and i hate to dress up and lug my guitar around. it gets in the way with my clothes! u know, and with the setting up and all.

eric does produce (and manage, i think) WGB. he's pretty approachable as well; just because he writes so many mando/canto/whatever-o songs doesn't mean he's strictly limited himself to producing chinese bands.

backbeat studios at hong kong st. provides live tracking for an additional cost. talk it out with adrian; you may be able to work something out with him since you're doing it solo. you can ask him for the individual tracks as well so you can do your own mixdowns in garageband if you're so inclined--i've done it that way before. they've just renovated though, so i'm not sure if the monitoring booth has been finished yet.

or, you could start investing in gear: an AT2020 with a 2-in firewire recording interface (with phantom power!) would work pretty decently if your guitar has a jack to plug in to.

and.. at the risk of sounding like some obssessed stalker: were you from AC? and HELLO JEK WHATS UP
heh, i'm not the one who says he's not approachable. he did seem like a pretty nice guy for the five minutes i spoke with him.

no i'm not from ac. was there for first three months only. haha.

how much should i expect to pay for a studio recording?
Hey there people! If u wan to catch her perform.please come down on 21st july@ jewel bar near raffles place to c her perform..

Find out more abt Acoustica on Gig/Concert section.. Cheers

Yours sincerely
William Chang(CAVEvents)