open Discussion Thread <-- i dont know what to call it


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Who says u need all good gear and such and Mods and Amps and Effects and Strings and All that fancy Pish Posh?!

This was ALL recorded with my Fender Stratocaster, Stock pickups, 34W Cube amp, 0.9 gauge strings

I've dropped it, i've thrown it (overhead) i've stomped on it and i've thrown bballs on it ( dont ask )

This first clip is of Fuel, both of which are recorded along with the song but my guitar is louder than the track so u can hear.

both these 2 were recorded on first attepms and i think u might catch mistakes? but just listen to the tone, thats what this topic is about : )

Fuel Cover #2 ( more Oumph ) approx. 1.5MB

Fuel Cover #1 ( bleah~ ) approx 3.4MB - Listen to the Bridge on this one

if u need proof thats a fender with stock pickups <--- not really going to help

Please give me feedback~ show me some hate please.... Lol

Who says u need all good gear and such and Mods and Amps and Effects and Strings and All that fancy Pish Posh?!

You played metal... in today's day & age of modelling effects, every guitar out there can do metal with ease - gain is abundant.

Your using a good amp and a decent guitar btw.
yes thats true, but my point is that u dont neccessarily have to BUY effects and mod ur pickups.

but if one has a 10watts amp with only overdrive then obviously he needs effects~ but if people how ha ve like Envoy 110s and such Mid rangey-type stuff... thats where im gettin at..
I see..

Then would you like to add in your original post, that clause you just mentioned?

"If people have..... such mid rangey-type stuff..."

Who says u need all good gear and such and Mods and Amps and Effects and Strings and All that fancy Pish Posh?!

Though, the day you change your bridge pickup to a stacked humbucker, notice the massive drop in hum, realise the extra beefiness due to upped midrange... then... tee hee hee~
nope i dint upgrade it, its stil the stock single coil one. :arrow:

nobody replied!!!! :(

i would liek to add, this is how i got it from sweelee, but not the crack and color fade~ lol.
maybe he wants to say that if u get the sound u like then there is no need to spend further on upgrading? Even though its with stock parts. Thats how i intepret it.
Ohhh~ haha yea, i dont wear that anymore~ (polish)

i really think that i suck anyways? hopefully 1 could become a Fusion of Herman Li and Chuck Berry 1 day...

OH YEAH!, u know sometimes its like, u see the pros doing their stuff and ur like, omg, WHY AM I EVEN PLAYING.. haha~ i can never beat them...
I'm no saviour of the guitar tone pantheon, but what you are doing right now is a very shallow sweeping statement. Ill-informed as you may be, i believe your intention is good.

It's a modelling amp that you're using, and your point i believe should be/is a rebuttal at analog pedal users or gearheads. Go read up on how modelling technology works now and why did there came to be a design of the Line6 POD units for example.

To make the line more distinct and simple, I'll put it this way. Bring the most expensive or well crafted strat you can find fitted with the most expensive/raved single coils you can find. Plug this guitar into an unmodded DS-1, into a Marshall/Fender/Mesa/Diezel/etc clean channel.....try playing Fuel like you did.

Then bring the cheapest TGM with humbuckers potted from 7th lunar month leftover wax or whatever, with the same setup of pedal and amp. There's the marked difference, in the analog way and why ppl are paying for certain pedals and equipment to achieve certain tones. Not mojo nor showoff in most cases, but it's a necessity to what they need.

I'm not jumping into the infamous digital vs. analog war, but before you post such statements informing the rest of the's good to read up what you're actually proving to get the facts right :wink:
umm most expensive strat + pups, cheapest tgm?
won't that be an unfair comparison?

Nowadays although digital technology has come very close to its analogue counterparts. It still loses out on feel though. When doin a direct a/b prob can tell the difference with analogue bein more responsive, sounds better etc.

However recording wise or playing in band setting, its gd enough to get sounds gd enough for most pros. Check out the line6 artists list. However for begginer would certainly reccomend analogue over multieffects because of the complexity involved in tweaking the thing. (eg. xtlive/gt8)
With analogue easier to get gd sounds out of. Multieffects is more portable

Each of the platforms have its own advantages/disadvantages. Either one will be better depending on the persons individual need.

For references on analogue over digital

But it can't be that bad considering the people using digital effects

Anyway most artists listed there would use their analogue effects together with their digital ones. So its more complimentary to each other then one is better than the other. So just use whichever works for ya.

On a side note, i think edder once posted a mp3 file comparing several analogue overdrives with varying differences in price. The differences were mostly subtle and in many cases u have to listen closely to hear them. So is it worth it to pay top dollar for such? Well its up to the individual.
"Who says u need all good gear and such and Mods and Amps and Effects and Strings and All that fancy Pish Posh?! "

it really depends how you define good. IMO, what you have there is good decent gear. Fender Strat, into a Roland Cube, all reputable companies going on here.

if you're doing this comparison here, i'd suggest you buy a $50 guitar and run it through a $50 amp. we'd really be convinced then.

For the benefit of the doubt, if you're referring to boutique gear, i think most of us would agree that its more a "want" than a "need". why would we want to strip ourselves to the bare necessities?

i think your main gist should really be "tone is in your fingers". if you're good you're good. but think about it, even good players need good gear. no musician would want to play with an instrument that would eventually fail them.