OM: shyamraj

Nice voice. But I'd prefer to hear you do something closer to Seal's genre. What you do now, from a songwriting and singing POV is very obvious (rock) and after a while it can get monotonous. Think Seal and Peter Gabriel and I think you'll stand out a lot better instead of getting lost in the rock kinda singers.

hey thanks man ... i have tons more originals but i've yet to record them.
another kickass dude is this friend of my who goes by the name koff koff

you can find him on myspace too..
thanks again!
I really loved the of the best i've heard in this forum .Keep up the good work :D
story?anyway friends, if you have a myspace account pls add me , leave a comment , help spread my songs and make my day ... haha..

i am in both . However i am concentrating on my solo projects now .I sing for a band called withered tree and i am looking forward in makin lots of music in dif genres bro
Great voice, seen you play once with Withered Tree at Gas Haus..

I hear Layne Staley and Scott Weiland influences in your singing, and I love it! Anyway, I feel that sometimes you're pushing your voice abit to have that hard edge all the time.. Maybe sometimes you should soften up a bit..

Still, you're one of the better singers I've seen around!
hey bam , thanks alot for the advice , i will def keep it in mind .. which gig at gas haus was this ? i'm right now trying to experiment with dif sorts of genres , i do hope you'll still be there to support even tought it might not be withered tree.. hey PPL ADD ME ON FRIENDSTER OR MYSPACE MAN...Its a great way to keep up with our music updates :twisted:
what kind of song would you all like to hear coz i wanna start writing more stuff ... give me some scenarios and i'll try and base the song on it ...thanks people
i believe good backing music will stir your hidden capabilities futher bro.8)

add a tab of intensity and stop mucking around :lol:
either slowmo or fast ... sing as if you are telling your audience what actually is goin on ... the feel factor when your audience listen without seeing ...they can relate to you ....feel with you!!

eg Lyric >>> I have been searching ....

the 'I' and 'searching' needs intesity or feel to it ya ....if its anger then its an angry 'I' or if its sad then and sad 'I' ....simple aye!!

Don't bother much about dynamics or technics ...we want a song to relate to ya .... :D