OM : satch attempts to cover fire with his new red machine

hey .. blackmoo .. hah .. i pro shredder ?? my ass lar ..haha.. man .. i suck ah .. pro shredder ?? my dream ah !!
okie i actually really enjoyed the tone. the groove rocks no doubt. but mebbe jimi boy didn't have such a high gain tone for vocals. thought it actually sounds pretty close to what the songs of that genre actually did. not all of it, some of it, actually sounded pretty authentic. imho la. no...:)
solo rocks for me. as for POD, i realized that if you record with diff amps, double tracked, you get much better sounds...cheers
yep, play the same thing twice. for me, i play it four times cos i use 2 diff amp models with pod xt...the sound is very full at the end. with judicious panning la..cheers
fibredrive said:
yep, play the same thing twice. for me, i play it four times cos i use 2 diff amp models with pod xt...the sound is very full at the end. with judicious panning la..cheers

the thing is, i cannot repeat the solos lah, cos they jst come and go when i play. hahahhaa. how ah? or can i copy and paste the sound smaples.
yep you can do that too, but it sounds a little fake. gotta add some delay and maybe pan it a bit to make it sound more natural...dunno how to explain ..keke..
Great playing man! I like your tone.
The vocals ah... when the scream came I couldn't help laughing.. no offense! hee
