OM: My first mix - Hallowed be Thy Name (WITH SINGING!)

COF is playing at a lower key, and I cannot stand growling. When my band jams we play this song faster anyway.
uh... the intro is way way way off man.. its not even right.

the rest is fine... yeah... but the first part abit.... aiyah, nvm keep it up... lol
Not even right? What do you mean? I purposely did it in twin lead guitar instead of a singular clean guitar. It's not a 100% true and exact copy of the song. Or do you think I played the wrong notes?
Could it be you're listening to some other version or I'm listening to another version... The intro is clean guitar picking man... Where got distortion riff one?

I dont want to get into an argument right now, but yeah, sorry if i sounded abit harsh. maybe my expectation a lil bit too high. But hey the rest of the song is good, I'm not saying it for the sake of saying it...
sanXp said:
I purposely did it in twin lead guitar instead of a singular clean guitar. It's not a 100% true and exact copy of the song.

I can do the clean intro riff just that I choose not to do it. :) The reason why my band plays it in distortion because it's very cumbersome to go from clean to lead, especially when I have THREE pedals to depress. Dave Murray uses a very expensive MIDI pedal, and he can do it in only one pedal press. My guitarist and I decided to try to do the intro with twin lead, and it sounds nice, so I decided to share it in this recording. This recording is just a proper recording of how my band plays this song.

And it's also the first time where I heard of right and wrong in music. Interesting.
seekz said:
Could it be you're listening to some other version or I'm listening to another version... The intro is clean guitar picking man... Where got distortion riff one?

you're not listening to the wrong version, its just that san chose to play it in this style. personal choice, ain't it? nobody ever said we have to do a 100% copy to cover a song.

i still think it rocks. =D
Maybe its still subjective afterall...

Imagine you play the intro to sweet child o mine a different way.
Diehard fans gona think you rip out a vital organ from the song or something.

Well guess what? Hallowed be thy name is my fav maiden song. Maybe you were unable to feel the intial grim suspense and the building of tension with the original clean pickin guitar and the haunting lyrics, but i definitely dont feel it at all in the current version. Thats what i meant by wrong, at the very least.

Like anyone can sing happy bday, but if you not really happy, or not really celebrating anything then sing for what?

But its really just the intro, the rest is really fine.
maybe you could do a recording and let us hear it.

well, i guess we all have our different ways to play it.
i like ours this way.

Lol, this song's is our favourite Maiden song too. The original intro sounds to me like Bruce was the executor and not the one being executed. Just me perhaps. Our version sounds pretty grim to me. And really, the reason why we play it like that was because it was hard to go from clean plucking to lead picking, and we realised that the way we play it sounds nice, so why not keep it the way it is. Maiden never plays anything 100% by the book during live performances anyway.

Die hard Maiden fans will tell you NOT to go by the book and be creative. :wink: