
eadricng said:
1st) Nice track man zero9er, although it sounds a bit repetitive...but, it's cool, i like the mixin' though,, how did you do it man...share?

2nd) I'm a newbie at #guitar too, i was never banned.....was it somethin' you did? or was it just you?

3rd) well...there's no 3rd :D

anyway, pls share how you mixed the thing? It be good knowledge :)

No worries.....Rg-2820 to v-amp2 to adobe audition.

Plugins: 1.BBE Sonic Maximizer
2.Izotope Ozone 3
3.IK Multimedia's Amplitube.
adobe audition? man, hmuch does it cost huh? It be cool if i could get my hands on one of those software...

btw, is it me....or do you sound so full of yourself? all these talk about etiquette..deservin' this deservin' that.....judgin' and stuff..... ??
bam said:
And for the record, the people in #guitar have never looked down on newbies as far as im concerned. I speak from experience and the people in #guitar have always been friendly.

You know.. not to challenge you or anything, but when I was in this #guitar, there was a bunch of ppl who looked down on newbie guitarists. When I was a noob. sure you guys go to the correct server? Becuz...I also noob...but....nobody looked down on me....

so......was it becuz they looked down on you....or you felt that they looked down you?

Maybe it's just a ...viewpoint kinda thing ya know
i also there for that long already whut...also nothin' happened to me -_-'....but anyway, it doesn't rmatter now~~...what matters is.......

09er: adobe audition good to use or not?

so you mean zero9er used to rip off stuff from obscure artistes and pass them off as his own?? How weak..
Guess your past will always follow point whining and threatening pple when it's your mistake in the first place. Dun worry guys, we live in a lawful society...he won't dare do anything to you.
who knows if all these OMs are his own too???
All I can say is ....there is no need for me to be repetitive in proving anything .... it takes a whatever to to know a whatever... :wink: I am not saying I was right ...but I sure got what I wanted to achieve....Cheers. :wink:
you seldom make sense...but anyway.....
perhaps we'll only believe you when we see you play with our own eyes!
popK0rn said:
you seldom make sense...but anyway.....
perhaps we'll only believe you when we see you play with our own eyes!

Well if it is your nature of understanding me...I cant help you....You will see it soon though and I don't expect you to believe me then either....period.
zero9er, I believe no one really cares whether you're good now or not. There are tonnes of shredders in SG and having one more won't make a difference.

What we care about, is your refusal to face up to your past and express regret over your actions, but instead, act all condescending and belittling and call yourself "Daddy" etc.

Until you face the past, it will forever haunt you. So don't live in denial.
popK0rn said:
zero9er, I believe no one really cares whether you're good now or not. There are tonnes of shredders in SG and having one more won't make a difference.

What we care about, is your refusal to face up to your past and express regret over your actions, but instead, act all condescending and belittling and call yourself "Daddy" etc.

I know who I am......and I have got no regrets for what I have done to #guitar.Guess I know my standings. And I am not here for u to gauge me either..... It holds no weight..seriously .....I see no point in going on forever with this please continue if you want to....
ah..see...trying to justify your blatant acts of deception back then.

and if you don't want pple to gauge you, why bother putting up very polished-sounding recordings under your name?
popK0rn said:
ah..see...trying to justify your blatant acts of deception back then.

and if you don't want pple to gauge you, why bother putting up very polished-sounding recordings under your name?

I did not say "people".I said "you".. :wink:Maybe you got a problem with coming up with a polished - sounding recording ? Sorry man....I can't help you with that ....time to sleep and not waste time answering you....LOL
perhaps once you clear up the matter once and for all, explaining your actions in #guitar, will people stop hounding you.
So are you gonna explain everything or not?
Face the past, and then it will let you go.
Popkorn... for 1 thing, Zero isn't just another shredder. His music here and back @ 6stringheaven do not reflect a shredder, but more of something who calculates his notes and composes. Its true, we have shredders (too many the same) aplenty, but at least Zero is going along a differet route....

And like what he has posted, i think he did what he had to do at that time. Its not the most tasteful thing to do hence his PM to pisonic, but he does not regret what he did. Besidies, Zero is obviously ready to come out and play.

This is my opinion.
Zer09er said:
popK0rn said:
ah..see...trying to justify your blatant acts of deception back then.

and if you don't want pple to gauge you, why bother putting up very polished-sounding recordings under your name?

I did not say "people".I said "you".. :wink:

aw...I'm crushed :( but the thing is, everyone will be reading this thread, and everyone will end up thinking like me.
So NOW is the chance to set things right.
Shredcow: first of all, you sure those are HIS songs?

secondly, you said "he did what he had to do at that time."
What??? you mean mass-deception and basking in the fame is justified in any situation???? boy...what do they teach you kids nowadays...

thirdly, you said "he does not regret what he did."
That's the problem.

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