
no lah, not trying to start any fights here.. just clearing things up abit, no offence :) thanks for the nice comment..
bam said:
Okay then, since i said something, i shall record something as well..

. Practice what you preach and try not to speak so condescendingly. :wink:

You imply that "those bunch" look down on newbies, so you dislike being looked down upon, yet you speak like you're challenging someone who has no worth at all

Well..this was what I did ....Practice..LOL....and hey it is an "open" challenge and it could not have implied to you if you did not feel the pinch to what I posted..I am sure you don't like the idea of being looked down upon either right? That is the sole reason you took up the challenge here I believe...It is not a question of weather I could play or not ...That should be the other way round...Cos you talked the talk and now now you have walked the walk..only "you" did it so far...all cool....Now....where are the other 2 musketeers? :lol: Anyway I appreciate you trying on it.You sound very Rusty Cooley wannabe with only minor timing issues IMO..... :lol: The air should be clearer now.... Cheers.
nak said:

heard of the story about the boy who cried wolf? me a favour and play someover that pls? Then I could sort of judge if I need to ever respond to your replies if required be...All talk and no action makes Jack a dull boy boy... :lol:
did i said about anything i could play? well im just 1 of those newbies in #guitar. but at least im noob, i face it. i dont lie about my abilities.
nak said:
did i said about anything i could play? well im just 1 of those newbies in #guitar. but at least im noob, i face it. i dont lie about my abilities.

I just put it straight to your face here....if you can talk big...then you sure would have to show your playing capabilities....I don't see you as a newbie when you can respond that way not belittle yourself please.You can have that part finished song and bonk on it......bam proved his worth ....and he has got my respects for that.Cheers ok? No offence intended here..
you still dont get the point huh? it's not about your playing. it's about you. would you believe someone who you once looked up to, and when you find out everything was b.s, again? why do you think ex-convicts dont get a job so easily and start that yellow ribbon nonsense. think man, think.
nak said:
you still dont get the point huh? it's not about your playing. it's about you. would you believe someone who you once looked up to, and when you find out everything was b.s, again? why do you think ex-convicts dont get a job so easily and start that yellow ribbon nonsense. think man, think.

I think you don't get the point either is about you and your small little community that you still maintain dude....I know my directions unlike some ppl who keep yakking still and not showing through actions.. :wink:
have you seen my nick in #guitar before? i only joined recently. and somehow hear of your legendary story. liars burn. liars go to hell.
Guys, cool it eh. Let this OM thread be a place for those who appreciate the works of others, not bashing whatsoever alright? Chill eh? :?
nak said:
have you seen my nick in #guitar before? i only joined recently. and somehow hear of your legendary story. liars burn. liars go to hell.

LOL...thanks for the have made your point clear enough...You dont deserve a respond anymore with that ettiquette of yours.So you mean you are really really new and you just heard the story without finding out the true reasons for actions of people.Get a life boy.Now shoooo :lol:

Note : I am not even angry at this .Cheers.
lol i guess everyone in #guitar dont need a reason from someone who took another's song. and put it up as his own. then when got busted, left the channel and hide away. what kind of reason you have for that man.
nak said:
lol i guess everyone in #guitar dont need a reason from someone who took another's song. and put it up as his own. then when got busted, left the channel and hide away. what kind of reason you have for that man.

I did not hide.I left the place with a sense of satisfaction for stupidifying the parties involved.I am glad you are talking on others behalf now.Now I am dead sure you are only stupidifying yourself further in the process.Cheers to you and have a great journey in your guitar playing life.Haha..enuff said by me I can still continue yakking away for all I care.
Zer09er said:
well well....this certainly sounds better than progressive love..u never fail to amaze me

Count yourself in as one of those stupidifieds lolz....I did not expect such great comments from you..or simply put , any comment at all...If you can talk the talk ....then walk the options are open...i can take you anytime boy....shooshoo...LOL

Zer09er said:
I will never fail to amaze you when i get you in person for sure...Believe me I can....Cheers to you....

wah u really have to resort to threats like these? why so insecure dude?

I'm really sorry if my 15 words sentence got you worked up so badly....ahh talking about the #guitar days, you must have thought i was one of the operators or something but guess what? im not. I was also a noob at that time and I was just another random chatter that got duped by you.

I could have let the matter rest the other time if you would just admit what you did and laugh it off as a joke but you didnt.

Your PM dated Wed Oct 19, 2005 8:47 pm
Zer09er said:
Hey...that was done for select people who were trying to pull my leg in do not spread the word around sia.....The people involved have been informed about it too please donot try to spoil my name here dude.I would greatly appreciate if you would edit that post you made.Thanks aaa.

LIES. Select group of people?? i don't even know you, you are just doing it randomly to everyone in the channel, many people can vouch for that. I can see that you really enjoyed the "fame" and attention for that period of time. After you got exposed you simply stopped coming to the channel, and that is when we found that you have ripped many other songs other than neil zaza's.

The point is...who knows you are bringing this shit over to soft? Why bring playing capabilities into this? I'll be the first to admit that i can't play, but i can definitely listen. So what if you really could play, that doesnt change the fact that you deserve no respect for what you did and refuse to admit.
Anyway good luck for your future endeavor, cheers. :D
Your respect is not what I want psionic....oh please....LOL.If it is shit calling another shit ....I rest my case.Just keep yakking on....I did not pose a threat to you as in what you think of it to is through playing right in your face. :wink: which I think you dont deserve either.
psionic said:
err.... ok i shall stop replying to this thread because you are not making sense anymore, cheers. :wink:

Cheers...alas somone has agreed to keep away ... make it to any of my thread ?...that would be so cool...Joyous me.
1st) Nice track man zero9er, although it sounds a bit repetitive...but, it's cool, i like the mixin' though,, how did you do it man...share?

2nd) I'm a newbie at #guitar too, i was never banned.....was it somethin' you did? or was it just you?

3rd) well...there's no 3rd :D

anyway, pls share how you mixed the thing? It be good knowledge :)

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