Om: impro solo . opinions much needed

You know what Siva? That was pretty listenable stuff. It's always good to hear an individual with a stable intonation on his fingers. Your phrasing touches on the edges of being melodic, but what you can work on is the timing of your notes.

Good work! Now show us the VIDEO!!!!

GURU !!! really ah ? wah . im now very motivated !!

video ?? shy lar .. later u all laugh at my playing !
hmmm... i think its a much better attempt? There's improvements definately...
I do hear more emphasis on Vibrato. Great! Keep that up.

During the beginning parts of the solo, where you did a lot of raking to emphasize your notes? There was a lot of string noise, never mute properly ah? :P

Also, its good to know you are trying to give that "feel" by doing huge bends, with vibrato.

However, I think your intonation is quite off. Many of the bends where off pitch. The big bend @ 0:30 is off... and after that, you lost it till 0:51. What happened?
Kid you not. It's not perfect but screw it, I've heard your clips befer and you're definitely going someone where no one has ever gone before - that personal journey into discovering your own technique!
beginning ?? haha .. i sorta .. play it legato manner ..tts y damn noisy. with my lousy skills. my picking not that sick like gilbert. ha.. not even a lil close.

0.31 to 0.51 ah . i sorta outta of ideas lar . haha. brain processing slow.

i will keep improving lar masters !
siva said:
beginning ?? haha .. i sorta .. play it legato manner ..tts y damn noisy. with my lousy skills.

The raking... those where you mute the strings, then strum across quick, landing on an open note? So that note really screams?

Thats the thing I'm talking about... not your legato, that's okay.
siva said:
haha. brain processing slow.

if u keep on going at it, it'll get better. free form solos are the best way to practice phrase combinations and realize whats nice and what wasnt. best is to discover 'your own thing', cloning only helps to a certain extent.
Paulo said:
. free form solos are the best way to practice phrase combinations and realize whats nice and what wasnt.


Try something slow with few chord changes, and keep recording/jamming to it.

Recording will enable you to critique your own playing.

The aim will be to nail the chord changes and bring out the flavour of whatever theme is in your mind.

Remember, never be satisfied with your playing.
wah seh .. MR PAUL DANIAL !! haha. sorry to torture ur ears with my crap ah .

i will take note of all the wonderful feedback u all have gave me and bear it all in mind. :)

thx again !