Olympic child singing star was a fake

hu is watching u


real singer not ugly.

Anyway if so worried about appearance....what about doing something about this guys hair!

hell yeah, he's pure burning hot sex appeal. I just want to polish that dome!


i just noticed he's got a moley moley moley too...all the more alluring!
Well, we have to look at this from the Show Business pov. The opening ceremony IS a show. Looking at the end result, it has been perfect.

** pls be respectful to those statesman
Real singer has eyes, nose and mouth in the right places. So I don't see why they should have her replaced.

In fact, I prefer the real singer than the girl they put on stage; she look more "real".
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I heard this on radio earlier this morning and i think it's freaking ridiculous and superficial.
Count the number of people with talents against the number of people with beauty and hardly any/no talent.
*lazy to type long explaination*
kudos to China for the best Olympic opening ceremony ever.
the next host country will be under pressure thats for sure.
if u think abt it, Singapore is also as bad in some aspects (read:china-born singapore athletes)
it's all for this funny thing called national pride.
I think people are too harsh on china. Afterall, they wanted the olympics ceremony to be PERFECT. If they spent billions of dollars on Olympics, resorting to such a measure is not far-fetched at all in comparison.

Besides, China in the end is giving due credit to the original singer, by at least revealing her identity to the public. So at least, the real singer gets some recognition for her contribution.

I don't find it shocking. I mean, this is how, eh, communist leaders work. Always want the best even though a lot of times they can't get it.

C'mon, why harp on it? Let's all talk about Phelps instead. Saw him getting his 4th and 5th medal today. The 4X200 freestyle relay was totaly AWESOME.
Well, we have to look at this from the Show Business pov. The opening ceremony IS a show. Looking at the end result, it has been perfect.

** pls be respectful to those statesman

HAHA lets not get soft into trouble..
wait the chinese secret agents come find james ar.

i think phelps is crazyy hes winning everything.. almost everything..

i dont get why sycho swimming/diving is called a sport.
i think its more like art... like dance or something..
some portions of gymnastics too, where they have to perform routines on a flat ground, do those somersaults and stuff.. more like art than a sport to me.

whats your take on this?
i dont get why sycho swimming/diving is called a sport.
i think its more like art... like dance or something..
some portions of gymnastics too, where they have to perform routines on a flat ground, do those somersaults and stuff.. more like art than a sport to me.

IMO, a dance is an art. Art is an expression of the body. In dance, what you are trying to express through your dance is important.

Gymnastics and syncho diving... they are sports because it is a test of human physical and mental conditions. They are judged through such technicalities.

Put quirky costumes and some form of concept to them, then they become circus acts... entertainment.
China has rich history,strongest manpower and resources. What other countries depended on the middle east countries are replaced by bicycles for china. The future will belong to China. I am proud to be a chinese,how about you all? Imagine a day when the language is running around the world,a new world?
im not really proud of china...
1. the killing of the american coach.
2. they are the world's NUMBER ONE polluter
3. they do alot of illegal animal poaching... bear's claws etc..
4. and they make the most fake / imitation goods
5. made in china products arent very durable
6. many buildings in china are built with biscuit tins and rubbish stuffed inside the walls ( you know what i mean )
7. they actually cooked rat's leg and sold it as chicken drumstick (loads of things like that. when i was there, i only dared to eat at restaurants)
8. loads of fake medicine...

arent these true?
yea my ancestors are from china..
im proud of being a chinese
but not proud of china.
the points above can scare me off already.
i dont even want to go there now..

and the fact that china is gonna be the strongest power in the future is because it has big land which means loads of resources and a huge population.
nothing glorious about that..

just what i think.. dont take it to heart ehh

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