Olympic child singing star was a fake


Staff member
BEIJING - The little girl who starred at the Olympic opening ceremony was miming and only put on stage because the real singer was not considered attractive enough, the show's musical director said.

And you'd think a country with a population of over a billion people would be able to find a cute little girl who can sing.
Haha I think the director of the Olympics show made a very bad choice of revealing this secret... Now the world has one more thing to complain about china.

anw I doubt it will be hard to find a cute girl who sing well in a large country like china.
I felt that some of the best talents are being overlooked because of their image. This should not be so.
sadly, this is just China being practical. image does matter. the opening ceremony meant a lot to China and they did what they thought was best.
It's all about what each person thinks. I personally feel its outrageously stupid to reveal such a piece of information to the world, now China has another reason to be called (insert all previously mentioned negative terms).

However, although many of us scorn at this thinking, Singapore is actually quite like this sometimes too. Overdoing things to be perceived as the best, as perfect. Kiasuism. See a tiny link?
ya geee.

why the hell they did they need to reveal that?

i saw the photo's of the two girls on television just now though

superficial as it might be. it was the right choice to get the girl to lip sync
Thought she was lip-synching but brushed it aside as the organisers just making sure that nothing goes wrong. Never thought it would be another person singing the song.

see mediacorp.
if anyone watched a singapore idol final before..
theres always a final episode where they drag long long and let all the idol finalists who got kicked out to sing one?
all lip synch sia...

but i really dont get the part where the chinese government must do that just because she wasnt very good looking..
shes a kid afterall.. i dont think the average looks of a kid would affect the image of a country. so backward thinking one sia they...

and it wouldnt be that bad if the lipsynching girl was actually lipsynching to her own recording..
i think the government revealed it because it was damn obvious she was lipsynching??

i think now that the lipsynching thing would affect the image more than the girl would.
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"The reason was for the national interest. The child on camera should be flawless in image, internal feelings, and expression," he said. "

That pretty sums up the very warped way of thinking they had. And wow, they are even proud to mention it, like it was stroke of genius.
Talent beats image only to a certain point. Look at jennifer hudson. I bet she could sell more if shes like beyonce or somethin. This world is superficial. Nuff said.
one can actually admire the blatantness of the Chinese.....buay pai seh just do screw everything to get wat u want. bloody scary, and if we ever get a pax Sinica???? satanic hell w demons may look more fun..........