Of Phones, Fourtones, and Unprofessionalism

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Hello all. Would like to share with you guys an unpleasant experience my band had with Fourtones recently. I'm not posting this with the intent of flaming Fourtones or defaming them in any matter, I'm just hoping to share this with the rest of the local music community and perhaps in the process, get some answers.

My band has been jamming at Fourtones regularly on a weekly basis for quite some time now. Normally, what we'll do is to book the studio for next week the moment we finish a session, so we won't need to worry about studio bookings for the rest of the week. Last Thursday, as per usual, we booked the studio for the next week when we finished our session. At that point of time, we were informed that the slot we requested was available, and our booking was confirmed.

However, a few days later, we were contacted by Fourtones and informed that the slots we had requested were not available. Instead, we were offered a booking at a different timing. As the timing did not conform to our schedules, we declined the offer. Although we were unhappy with the inconsistency, we decided to let it slide as we were long-time customers with Fourtones.

On Friday this week, however, we attempted to make a booking for next week. When Fourtones was contacted, we were told to make our booking via SMS, which was followed by an abrupt hanging-up. Rationalizing that as one of the better-known studios in Singapore, Fourtones might be very busy, we ignored this unprofessional customer treatment as well. However, our booking SMS was not replied to, and we only received word back on our booking request when we made the effort to contact Fourtones again today, upon which we were told that the slots we had requested were not available. We therefore made a booking with another studio. About an hour ago, we were contacted by Fourtones again and told that our slot was available after some shuffling.

Now, I don't wish to make a mountain out of a molehill, but in my opinion Fourtones has behaved rather unprofessionally by first cancelling a booking we had made previously and telling us that it was no longer available, and subsequently marginalizing our attempts to book a slot for next week. I might be a tad idealistic, but speaking for myself, I was under the impression that one's word is one's bond.

Therefore, if a studio is to confirm a booking with me, I would expect them to not cancel it without previous warning or explanation. I would also expect a certain level of courtesy when dealing with customers. I understand that the "brudder" nature of the local scene might lend itself to a certain amount of familiarity, but hanging up abruptly on a customer is, to me, crossing the line. I would certainly expect the studio to inform me if the slot I have requested is available and not for them to wait until we have to make the first move and call them up. At the very least, I would expect a reply to the message that was requested at the expense of courtesy.

This might all be a big misunderstanding, and I am aware that I have only one side of the issue presented here. That is why I sincerely hope that Fourtones can clarify this matter. As regular customers of Fourtones, we value our consumer/business relationship with them. Regretfully, these events have led us to doubt if Fourtones places the same value on that relationship. Hopefully, a full explanation, and apology if needed, will be provided.
but Naz is a nice guy you know . he talks fast and quickly puts down the phone when i talk to him too. he'll ask me to msg him or smth. but i understand that he's busy . c'mon , he owns a famous studio.the other time , though he didnt reply my msg , i trust that my slot was booked. and it really was. maybe you were unlucky or smth. he's a fun guy after all.
ok, noted.

have you try to call them up again to let them know of your unhappiness and would like an explanation?

and if wanting an explanation from them in here, there has to be people letting them know of this post in here.

Maybe you like to let them know first?

heh, afterall, the rest of us, are more like watching show than actually able to help or make something positive out of it.

Naz is ok mah... he talks abit off topic at times but he is a nice guy...
he reli is... nvr had problems wen jamming there at all...or asking for help.

but bro, pardon me for saying this.
i think if u have a customer disagreement or sumtink like tat ah, i think its better to approach them and settle it la. afterall we nid them n they nid us too!
On your post, great tone and choice of words.. Haha..
If this was an English essay it'd do well! Simply cause you tried not to sound offending, and know the loopholes to your own story!

Well.. My band stopped jamming at Fourtones and it's done us well.. :rolleyes:
Cause we fell in love with another studio? Haha..
Better acoustics, better maintenance, amps not as good, but everyone felt more happy and natural playing at the other studio.. It works for us and we've never looked back..
Plus, the above-mentioned scenario has happened before to us as well..
I understand that Naz is a nice guy. He always has a joke for us(my personal favorite is the "plus GST plus room service...that'll be $200" one), and generally he's very approachable. But the issues I stated are very real issues to me, and I hope they can be clarified.

Please understand that I have nothing against him personally. Any dispute I have is on a merely professional basis. The reason I posted this here is so that I can share these problems with you people. If you feel that I behaved out of line by doing so, I apologize, but I still hope that the problems I mentioned will be addressed.

To Godspeed64: Hahaha thanks for the compliment.
Yeap, I haven't been jamming at fourtones for a very long time too. I take them as a benchmark though. I won't jam in any studio that's in a worse state then theirs.
hmmm i dont know about you guys but have you people realised that they're quality(amp-wise, drum-wise, and acoustics) have been detiorating(sp?). I know is one of the most popular place to jam and the equipments might have sucked because of over-usage. hmmm. Thats the reason why I stopped jamming there.
hmmm i dont know about you guys but have you people realised that they're quality(amp-wise, drum-wise, and acoustics) have been detiorating(sp?). I know is one of the most popular place to jam and the equipments might have sucked because of over-usage. hmmm. Thats the reason why I stopped jamming there.

yes thats true. but naz told me before. its because of jammers abusing the equipment. for example. i used to love that place because it was big and they had tube amps. now naz told me that he changed to solid state because jammers dont know how to use it and dont appreciate it. if only ppl who go there be more responsible and take care of the equipment like its urs then the equipment wouldnt detiorate as fast
well , thats the way you guys look at it. im totally fine with it. i know you guys have nothing against fourtones or naz .

for me , naz is the nicest and funniest studio owner ive met.
and as for the studios , so far so good.
i feel good jamming there . sadly only got 2 rooms.
but anyway , whatever you guys have to comment about fourtones ,
TELL NAZ ! 82010121.
or go to their website and get the email or something.
email them . if they do something about it , then its good for all of us ! :D
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