Number of posts

MidnightFender said:
Like that everybody will want to post stuff... even rubbish and crap to boost their rankings... That's just what I'm doing now. heh heh...

but chiong post for wad lan? its not like u high post can have free meals at kfc or macdonald or what mah hahaahhaa.. :P
hit 1 trillon post and get yourself a fender (of your choice)


disclaimer : this is just a joke.. dont find james for the fender if u hit 1 trillion post :lol: dont find me either!
Ok seriously, going by number of post may not be the best way - as MidnightFender pointed out. It could be a person posting very bad posts, hitting at everybody etc but could still get a high rating because he posted a lot.

Getting some ideas from other forums:

Use 2 systems instead of one.
1. No. of posts. Depending on the number of post, you get to be called differently. (eg New member, Member, Senior member).
2. Star system. This should not depend on no. of posts but the content of the posts. Can depend on peer reviews. An icon could be placed somewhere on the top of a post - if the post is good, readers can click on it and a message will be sent to James (or automated) increasing that person's rating. If it is bad, readers can click another icon and that will decrease that member's ratings. Number of stars depends on how many good ratings vs bad ratings.

Pros: people will make sure they don't post things that are personal attacks etc as any reader can then repond by decreasing that member's rating. Sort of self-monitoring against bad eggs.
Cons: it is still based on peer reviews and therefore biased. If I don't like somebody, I can always try to decrease his ratings. But this can still be monitored by James (ie he can see if somebody consistently picks on another one by giving him negative reviews and over-ride it).

This way, you can be a senior member but get no stars. You can also be a new member and have stars. Fairer - will encourage new members to post more and encourage "old" members to behave themselves.


It'll be too much work for the moderators,
since tis is a FOC site and ppl here doing it for passion.

the ratings just show how much one has posted and view the site,
good or bad easily can be read from one's postings.

there are serious members, some post for fun and there a few post
for comic relief. isn't the current posting system okay ?

myself i post for information and comic relief. you can share info, ideas
and knowledge; make friends here and comic relief - hehe haha !????
Re: comments

bongman said:
It'll be too much work for the moderators,
since tis is a FOC site and ppl here doing it for passion.

the ratings just show how much one has posted and view the site,
good or bad easily can be read from one's postings.

there are serious members, some post for fun and there a few post
for comic relief. isn't the current posting system okay ?

myself i post for information and comic relief. you can share info, ideas
and knowledge; make friends here and comic relief - hehe haha !????

Good point. I'm thinking of even longer term - years down the track. This website has great potential for development. More and more people are into serious music making. Ratings is one of those sensitive thing. For me, it doesn't really matter. That's not the reason for me posting here anyway. However in the future, I foresee SOFT getting an even greater coverage in Singapore (perhaps even regional?). Having no ratings may be better sometimes. But once ratings are started, you cannot remove it.

That is, one day people start making noise that the ratings is not fair (I'm talking like years down the track), revision of the ratings system then will be troublesome. People are funny creatures - once you given them something, you cannot take it away. A person with 5 stars getting a lower rating overnight will create trouble. I've seen some really nasty things happening at other websites (these are pro people in the music industries) harping on losing one silly star. It's that sensitive!

So since we're starting it, why not do it properly once and for all (a fairest system possible)? It may not matter now, but who knows.

My 2 cents and thoughts. Really, it doesn't matter to me! :)
well said

hi Cheez,

you have a point if it's a long term plan,
i've been following most of your posting
and i say they are very informative.

this is one of the reason i keep coming back
to this site. i know of SOFT many moons ago before
Y2K, back then with a diif ID. it's only lately that i
realise how informative here is.

if it's for the long term, maybe it's good. hopefully
membership won't be too expensive !!!???
How about no ratings, ever?

If people want recognition, it has to be earned in some way. Stars and points are just silly and cos potentially cause problems as mentioned by Cheez.

"Hmm...I think I'm gonna respond to a post now about that guitar effect POD XT thingy. Geez, the last post was really informative and the guy had 5 stars... I think i better take the next 30 hrs thinking about what i'm gonna say before i do..."


"Wah lao eh... Just now i read something about playing rhythm guitar. All these guys with no ratings posted stuff like technique and helpful hint. Then this wise-guy with 5 stars came along and simply said its all the in heart, not the head. How come people with 5 Stars can be so silly??"

Pls la....nothing good can come out of a rating, unless there are KFC coupons, or long term benefits for the site / music industry for that matter. My fingers tired...bye

the success and value of this site really depends on us - the posters and readers. if no one is willing to share and give value-added info, no one is going to come in here to read and post.

when i found out abt SOFT b4 Y2K, where I had given up music due to my full time job, i juz read once in a while but nvr post.

rite now with time on my side, i've realised how informative here is with serious music making ppl. i hv learned from some old-birds and i believe i did contribute some useful info and ideas, probably make some clowns as well !??

whether here is going to last all depends on ourselves, the rating is a bonus recognition. i still has lots to learn and it's a good outlet to meet ppl
with the same hobby.

of course we cannot deny the effort of the moderators and founder of SOFT
where they built the platform for us.
Re: well said

bongman said:
hi Cheez,

you have a point if it's a long term plan,
i've been following most of your posting
and i say they are very informative.

this is one of the reason i keep coming back
to this site. i know of SOFT many moons ago before
Y2K, back then with a diif ID. it's only lately that i
realise how informative here is.

if it's for the long term, maybe it's good. hopefully
membership won't be too expensive !!!???

Thanks for the encouraging words! Really, I learn a lot from people here and elsewhere. Still learning.

Actually, I don't think this site will ever become a paying site. No forum should get the members to pay - otherwise it is suicide.

An example of a good forum and its evolution is the Gigastudio website at Started off with really very few members. But as time went on, it started attracting some really important people (like Eric Persing of Spectrasonics who is a frequent member there). Then the site started to get people paying to get their advertisements posted. That helped to pay for the hosting. Then as people from Native Instruments etc started getting interested, the owner started "loaning" its site to them for a fee to get their own forums hosted. Today, it is one of the largest and most frequented website not just for Gigastudio but also for various VSTis producers. It became a business just running the website! It even sells hardware and software online.

If SOFT continues to grow, this can really be a possibility - music shops will start to pay to advertise as they know musicians frequent here and traffic is high. James will have a good running business!