Yeah.. and ill appriciate those whose into those 'hair bands' and metal.. those fuccking diss punkrock.. 8)blahblah said:you may not like hair bands but there are many of us here who before you start throwing insulting comments like "saved us from the hair bands" think first. one man's food is another man's poison.
Vaiyen said:suicide is a sin in most religions.
boone said:Alice in Chains is so much better than the overrated N******. Yet the first thing you think of when somebody mentions 'grunge' is that crappy three man band. Cmon, what emotional music? cobain was just screaming or whispering on their albums. Layne Stanley had so much more emotions.
17wil said:yea man
too bad he himself is in 'pain'
and he got too 'high'
wangdexian said:Black Eyed Peas too.
But the hip hop that sucks IMO is gangsta rap.
Kerr said:My first song I master...About a Gal
Gansta rap IS a sub genre of hip hop.headwan said:to be honest with u.....gangster rap is not exactly the same as hip hop music ....get ur fact rite anw......