You know, with all the National Day red-white things going on
Trent will have enough inspiration to make another Year Zero album
Hi' long time reader. first time poster.
I like NIN alot and it wud kill me to see a half assed band open or close for them. I like Dualtone too. but i think she needs to really buck if she's serioulsly gonna be opening for trent. I vageuley rememebered watching her open for B-quatert quite sometiem ago. Not really the best of perfomances i must say.
Well things change. Maybe Dualtone will put out a better show this time. Plus, there are quite alot of bad bands who opened for NIN in the US tour.
Hi' long time reader. first time poster.
I like NIN alot and it wud kill me to see a half assed band open or close for them. I like Dualtone too. but i think she needs to really buck if she's serioulsly gonna be opening for trent. I vageuley rememebered watching her open for B-quatert quite sometiem ago. Not really the best of perfomances i must say.

yeah well i've changed to a new set of bandmembers.

before the B-quartet opening show, my ex-bassist asked me
"EH what is this Nine Inch Nails they all keep saying we sound like ah?"
SUPER MORALE DE-BOOSTER -100pts plus i don't think i sound anything like NIN. plus my ex-drummer didn't like industrial music either. plus I was still being the shy person who really didn't dare to speak out or give people directions *shrug*
At that time the band wasn't stable yet, I was still trying to set the tone and chemistry between members, so it was abit shaky. I made a mistake trying to work with people who don't even enjoy or try to enjoy the music i grew up to, instead only try to change the way I sound. So, i guess thats why it was a half-assed band, eh?

To be honest one of the major issues that set me back is the lack of similar minded musicians who are willing to work in the same direction as I am, esp since my direction is one that's not aiming to please the general music crowd of sg.
It took me 1+ year, but now i've found people I could work with, who listen to the same kind of music as I do, and most importantly, a willingness to experiment. I think that is most important, and often absent in some musicians esp when they enter a band with a fixed idea of what kind of music they want to do (or just hoping for some chance of fame).

Right now, we're just going to focus on ourselves and on the album. Thank you Skylar for making the Facebook group, thank you all who support us and have added yourselves to the Facebook group, it actually DOES give me motivation to continue mixing/mastering the album and to jam.

yeah and thanks starryskye85 for your comment.
One way to know if Dualtone will suck on stage again right now is just by making them the opening band for NIN. :) Easy!
I need your discipline.....


Fits well for a pringles advertisement song.
Dualtone's Absynthe and Aenimic.

Don't mind if I put one or two comments about your music and your chances of opening for NIN. Utterly no malice in my intention. Bro Aenimic bro, I think you know me well enough to know that I have the best intentions, man. :)

Ok, you are no doubt a gifted song writer and musician. But quite honestly, even if your sound is quite industrial ish, to put you on the stage as the opener for NIN would not be a good idea.

From what I can hear from your track on Myspace, you have more a Portishead, trip hop, dark ambient sound. NIN, however, is in-your-face, hard, fast and loud. People would expect to mosh and jump around with NIN music. Your music would be more suitable with a sit down chilled setting for a trip hop, electro performance. I see you more suitable to open for Portishead or Bjork.

I would suggest coming up with a few hard thumping songs that would get the crowd going if you want to open for NIN. I don't know if you have those songs in your repertoire or not. If you have, I would suggest rehearsing them to death. If not, I would urge you to start thinking about it.

Otherwise, the crowd will be cruel with you. The audience in general do not know who you are, hence they are far less forgiving. I'm sorry, but that IS the truth.

2 cents.
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hmm. Not a nice thing to say bout your exbandmates tho on forums. why would you need a full band line up anyway? I initially thot that the name dualtone suggest just you and some guitarist. like you absynthe and aenimic. right from the start.
anyway. yeah. No opening bands.
Lets keep it that way.
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starryskye85: I don't see anything wrong about what she say about the ex-bandmates. There are no malice in her tone, just speaking out the facts that, well, her ex bandmates are not exactly what she is looking for.

And there's nothing wrong with having a full line up. It shows evolution. I haven't seen their performance as a band, but does it make it any less Dualtone? No.

Trent was working alone on his music for Pretty Hate Machine, but he assembled a band cos the record company needed a band. I'm pretty much sure that right now Trent could have gone back to his roots and work on performing alone with just a guitarist now that he is famous, but he still goes out and performs with a band. Does it make it any less NIN? No.
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Dualtone's Absynthe and Aenimic.

Don't mind if I put one or two comments about your music and your chances of opening for NIN. Utterly no malice in my intention. Bro Aenimic bro, I think you know me well enough to know that I have the best intentions, man. :)

Ok, you are no doubt a gifted song writer and musician. But quite honestly, even if your sound is quite industrial ish, to put you on the stage as the opener for NIN would not be a good idea.

From what I can hear from your track on Myspace, you have more a Portishead, trip hop, dark ambient sound. NIN, however, is in-your-face, hard, fast and loud. People would expect to mosh and jump around with NIN music. Your music would be more suitable with a sit down chilled setting for a trip hop, electro performance. I see you more suitable to open for Portishead or Bjork.

I would suggest coming up with a few hard thumping songs that would get the crowd going if you want to open for NIN. I don't know if you have those songs in your repertoire or not. If you have, I would suggest rehearsing them to death. If not, I would urge you to start thinking about it.

Otherwise, the crowd will be cruel with you. The audience in general do not know who you are, hence they are far less forgiving. I'm sorry, but that IS the truth.

2 cents.

Armand havent heard the new trackssss thats why hehe. the ones on myspace are the old ones,and i havent uploaded any cos i really truly hate mixing/mastering and i'm not done with em. i'm sure you've read that somewhere. No point putting up half-assed songs :/

i got sick of making slow tracks too. sometimes I wonder if the new songs are too hard.
Haha. Ok I believe you.

I would like to listen to them if I can.

Hope you received my PM. Do consider yeah?
hmm. Not a nice thing to say bout your exbandmates tho on forums. why would you need a full band line up anyway? I initially thot that the name dualtone suggest just you and some guitarist. like you absynthe and aenimic. right from the start.
anyway. yeah. No opening bands.
Lets keep it that way.

i wasnt saying anything, i was just stating facts. you said it was a half-assed performance, i told you the reasons. and part of the reason was the bad choices i made at that point of time.

full band = fuller sound, there's only so much I could do on my own and with aenimic. maybe a few years ago i could get away with being a two-person act, esp since the songs are slower and more dreamy, but now, hard hitting drums would really make a difference if it was real. and i needed another keyboardist to evenly spread out the synth, because there's only so much i can do.
NIN FTW!!!!! now where's my smelly worn out broken tshirt thats too tight for me now... haiyohhhh....

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