New Shipment Are In (GIBSON, EDWARDS, ESP,Ibanez)


New member
Our new shipment of guitars are in, around 70 guitars on our racks rite now, new and used guitars, come down to our store to check them out, models and pictures of them will soon be up!

watch this space for more...!!

Just to kick start this whole thing, here is an ibanez i got from the new shipment. Not the classical, ignore that. have a go at the silver beauty man
the purple Ibanez in question is an RG3XX series 8)

was @ G77 today to check out the new stuff. personal recommendations:

*Edwards- the singlecuts there are superb, all very well set up. there's a relic, Jimmy Page-esque model which gets my thumbs up. never mind the looks, the guitar sings & plays beautifully. it's the Duncan chemistry in part.

*Gibson- very good LPs in store. there's a nice Studio (judging from looks alone, it's probably a 2003/ earlier model) which is splendid tone-wise.

-also, the SG Goddess is recommended for those looking for a receptive high gain tone.

PS: thanks to ALL @ G77 for your hospitality!! :partyman:
heh... the Edwards Jimmy Page les pauls are gone... both are gone... left the 98 and 92s left... heh... running out fast too...
dude.. this is quite an old post..
but anyways, i went there recently..
SG goddess available, SG special faded, 61 reissue and i cant remember what else..
im going penin soon but too bad g77 is closed today..