New Post Forum Layout


Though I'm in no position to complain, the new 'Home' puts me off.

But I like the new Guitar buy-sell. Reminds me of the emporium.
actually, the only difference is that the classified ads in no longer on the Homepage.

What other difference are there? :lol:
James, it's a good idea to have the category together with the forum thread title. However, it somehow makes it more difficult to read and slightly more confusing.

Is there anyway to make it easier to read - so one look at the forum threads, we know the topic of discussion? At the moment, it takes a little over a second to register the thread topic.

Otherwise, I think it's great! Having the ads somewhere else is good. Otherwise it really clogs up the homepage. People looking for stuffs can always click and go there. For most of us not looking to buy gears, the less cluttered look is easier on the eyes.
No no, it's good alright.

Just that I preferred the recently discussed topics to be more consized and compact. Makes for easier reading, I don't know. Something with the colour?

But hey, it's just me being fussy. :wink: