New Gear Yay!!


New member
I left the RMC2 outta my other posts so here it is


RMC2...IMO the most tweakable wah....and for someone as anal as I am...I love it...went through 2 wahs before this..535q and Budda...didnt like both of em as much as i thought

And something that just arrived today!!

The Pinkmour by Skreddy pedals(its the Top fuel on his website,but I got a custom paintjob by a guy derived from a big muff but is absolutely nothing like it...I think I will cut the descriptions short and say...Its Gilmour in a Box...!!!thats all that needs to be said...sweet articulate endless sustaining distortion....

Initially I was a lil disappointed cos I was hoping it would do metal when stacked with my SD but it doesnt do that im still on the hunt for a good metal pedal....oh well

And heres a pic of the why does this look unbelievably familiar:


Oh well..its my honeymoon period with the im gonna go enjoy it some more

What an acquisition since we last saw you at our gear gathering sid, a true gas-ser at heart! :lol:
hor hor hor, i know why you so busy other than being flooded by pedale orders! :lol:
haha yea august I was playing a boss gt-8 through a keyboard amp" now ive gone truly boutique....

Donner does a wonderful job at creating it...didnt cost me much thought....30$ more than the normal skreddy price...

BTW..did i mention how much it ROCKS...but its not really a bedroom OD...need to keep the volume fairly high to really hit the sweet tones :lol:

goose...cmon man...go for it...TGP :twisted:
hehe bro i just got back...haha....will take a pic soon....

hey cmon..the memory man sounds sweeter than any delay i know :lol:
eh damn poooteeek i tells you!

according to mr bluepowder, it was from analog man and then modded by another guy.

I open up and saw new jack socket connectors, treble bleed cap missing, new super HIFI opamp on the preamp, new teflon looking wires, 3PDT true bypass and blue LED. And silver pen mods description and signature on the inside of the bottom plate.

pooteek enough for you?
hmm i dun like the word bleed describing an inside of a pedal :lol:

hope all that u said is good stuff :twisted:
bluepowder said:
hmm i dun like the word bleed describing an inside of a pedal :lol:

hope all that u said is good stuff :twisted:

ahh... no lah... the some memory man comes with a FREE treble bleed cap to totally mufflefy your sound. Your pedal does not have it!
difference between the tone knob is that there is a resistance between the cap to ground.

the one on the mm does not! permanent treble bleeeeeddddd.