NEW bass fuzzes!

well since everyone post photo, heres mine:mrgreen:

It's on Talkbass. Search for "Polish Love" or "Li'l Jovi". Pedal is built by in Poland by a guy named Bogdan. PM me if you need his email. Pedal is pretty cheap. Think it's going at US$65 + US$26 for shipping now. It was less when I bought it earlier.
well why not? by the looks of it, the man isn't going to keep making them for very long..

so it will be an exclusive club :cool:
hey lordie, mine is coming in too..its black with green led ;)

but anyway its a overdrive what..this is a fuzz thread..

im eyeing the pickle pie B if the el grande proves to be disappointing..

damm GAS..:(
eh yeah... sorry for thread hijack ;ppp
hey lordie, mine is coming in too..its black with green led ;)

but anyway its a overdrive what..this is a fuzz thread..

im eyeing the pickle pie B if the el grande proves to be disappointing..

damm GAS..:(

we shouldnt exclude od lovers from the fuzz thread... after all, it is the same effect :D

Let’s Clarify some terms: For the purposes of this article, “distortion” refers to all pedals of this type, even though some are called “overdrive” or “fuzz.” The naming scheme stems from a pedal’s intended sound: Overdrives are usually designed to sound similar to vacuum tubes driven to distortion, fuzzes are intentionally harsh and intense, and pedals called “distortion” may sound like either one or something in between. Regardless, they all use clipping to create the distorted effect.
by jonathan herrera from bassplayer mag - Overdrives
i would say that its same in the sense that both are acheived by clipping the waveform, but very different in terms of the real sound you hear..

overdrive IMO refers to adding dirt onto your tone, or in the case of the polish love and other hi gain ones, its adding dirt while retaining your tone..

fuzz is a much more harsher sound, where note definition start to get a little tone can still be heard, but barely..

all this IMO of course :mrgreen:
i would say that its same in the sense that both are acheived by clipping the waveform, but very different in terms of the real sound you hear..

overdrive IMO refers to adding dirt onto your tone, or in the case of the polish love and other hi gain ones, its adding dirt while retaining your tone..

fuzz is a much more harsher sound, where note definition start to get a little tone can still be heard, but barely..

all this IMO of course :mrgreen:
the same principles with varying degrees of gain and other voicings of course. you guys should try a fuzz with some kind of manual filter. you can really get alot of different colours of fuzz from that combi. i'm using a ehx english muff'n (it's an od despite the muff relation, but modded with 12ax7's) into a stereo electric mistress. the filter matrix gives me a smoother, more modern tone around 10:30. would love to know what the pedal experts out there think of it.

still waiting for the el grande which should be out really soon (with provisions for a bit of lag from local retailers). prior to my english muffn the blowtorch was one that really caught my interest. but eventually i was put off because i thought the voltage requirements would be a hassle (and i opted for a pedal using AC power instead? :rolleyes: ). also a little bit over-complicated where controls were concerned. that's why when i saw the el grande, i thought there could be something there for me, if it was in any way related to mxr's other offering. removing my muffn would be blasphemous but if i can find something just as good or better, why not?

i've never used anything 'boutique' so to speak. devi ever's pedals all sound like varying degrees of insanity. but i've been listening to clips and the bass fuzz has, by far, the greatest bass response. still, the odd devi ever pedal that pops up on ebay still grabs my attention
thats why if you hang around these forums long enough you will develop a master level of pseudo-knowledge. i hope to reach that someday
CLIPS please :mrgreen:

i can't believe so many new bass pedals are being rolled out at the same time. tis the season to be broke
yup... but i'm hoping for a demo where the settings are tweaked. there was a NAMM demo vid, but i dont think the sound quality was good enough for fair judgement