Neo Classical Stuff

i wonder how humjis im gonna get from a certain 2 people

i wonder how long they waited

i wonder whether theyre still waiting??? :lol:

while i sit in my air con room at home, sweeping and shredding away, i wonder, where can these guys be?

dont you all wonder too?
this is funny. i see ah bengs carrying knives, or whatever shit
but first time....we gonna have guitarist fighting the ah beng way carrying GUITARS.

try to imagine...omg it's funny.
"nabei watch this!! *shreds*
"wtf i can do better *shreds*
"xxxxx *riffs*
"Fxxx lah, eat this *shreds*
i wun say hum ji, we're both idiots from a school with idiots that promote this sort of thing, so well, its a double bluff, anyway back to neo classical shit

heres a common lick in A Aeolian on the high e string

all in 16th notes


check it out :wink:
I still say you should've settled it with that guitar arcade game. High score wins!