Need Someone who knows how to mix and master


New member
we're a band. we play emo and we just got together last month.

We have recording equipment, but no one knows how to mix and master.
So at the moment, we record, and put it out. Thats it.

Is there anyone out there who is good at mixing and mastering and wants to help us. We will pay for it and stuff. Pay for you to come over and mix our songs.

Anne for Name,
hi anneforname

just listened your sample, i think you need a producer more than anything. the singing is really out. the rest of the instrument also very difficult to do a good mix cause the recorded material sound too thin already.
Recording comes before mixing.. so here's a list of problems with your recording..

drums - poor playing tempo, you guys using digital drums? i wonder why is it distorted/clippin'.

guitars - could use a better amp.

bass - can't really hear, mixing side i guess. or could be your amp.

singing vocals - pronounciation seems to be a major problem.. singing abit off pitch. very lack of feeling.

screamo vocals - how come scream until like burping man..

what recording equipments you guys using??

We will re-record. Properly this time.

Just to let you know how we recorded

Drums - digital drums (how did u know), very roughly laid this as the first track, and the drummer sang the song in his head whiles playing. Didn't have a metronome and wasnt sure how to do it otherwise.

Guitars - recorded direct

Vocals - dynamic mic

Bass - Direct

Screaming Vocals - i don't reckon it sounds like burping. Actually frankly everyone says its damn good. i'll go listen again, maybe your right,

Thanks for the feedback
Cheers ..
Re: Ok

err well i can tell the drums are digital cos it sounds too static. unless your drummer's a robot who hits at an exact constant pressure and angle.

oh yeah my bad the guitars sounded like a really bad mike up. my advice is that you're better off with a guitar amp mike up for distortion guitars. if you're gonna D.I. get something like line6 pod 2.0

as for the screamo, it sounds like the vocalist is "shy" to scream (parents at home?) , ask him to stand back away from the mic and scream with more emotions (so it doesn't distort the volume levels also)

Your vocals seem to be suffering from a little of proximity effect. Maybe the vocals can be recorded with a condenser mic instead should sound betta(if u have the $$$ or mic). BAd recording = bad results. Maybe you could try recording ur bass and guitar through direct amp miking? your amp output may not be good enough. A shure SM58 or sennheiser e835 should do the job well enough. What did you use to record(your software and hardware). Try playing to guide tracks for your vocals.
Also when the time for mixing and mastering comes about, get a sound engineer who specialises more on the genre of music you are playing.
refer to: the article touches on acappella recording which has a little relevence to recording of your vocals in a home studio setup. And yes i admit it is quite different to band recording but well good to noe new techniques.
mixing and mastering.....

Hey guys , I'm a sound engineer whose moving back to Singapore from Australia to do National Service. I'm moving back next week and pretty much have august free till I book in. I've had vast experiences doing many bands in Australia and specialise as a rock/metal producer and mixer

check out my CV at :

2 bands u might want to check out that have done work to me that might appeal or are similar to the sound u might be going for

Nix - - download Runaway and the single samples
Fragile - www.myspace/fragile - download Love to hate


Roland Lim
limshijie @ hotmail . com( without the spacings - to avoid spambots )