NEED HELP!!! Single coil hum or shielding/grouding issue?


New member
As mentioned in a recent thread, I recent got a fender strat 68 reissue.

recently sent it for rewiring with a change of pots and selector, but now there seems to be this prevailing hum coming from my amp. It is of course more evident on high gain, but it mutes when my hand is placed on the strings.

I'm wondering if it is a grounding problem, but while jamming yesterday, I plugged into a marshall stack direct, and the hum was minimal.

I have a few other guitars at home, humbuckers though, and it's silent at all times, so I doubt it has anything to do with my amp or effects.

Anyone can offer some help?

I'm quite apprehensive in taking it to a shop, I've already incurred quite a lot re-wiring and changing the pots and switches.

hey, maybe you can check your amp. see whether it's 2-plug pin or 3 plug pin. 2 plug pin usage in Singapore will result in the amp not grounded properly if at all, and it may cause humming.

this hum is then exacerbated with your single coil. Single coils have this thing called 60-cycle hum (now you know why double coil is called humbucker, it 'bucks' the hum). To get rid of this hum completely, either you use a stack humbucker (basically humbucker, but stacked on top of each other, resulting in single coil tone.. Yngwie Malmsteen uses it i guess, and a few other players) or use a noiseless single coil (a la Eric Clapton).

but i think you should try the plug first.

hope it helps!
actually you should send back to the same shop. provided that you didnt change your pickups, you can only point the finger at them saying its their fault for not properly grounding your guitar.

question. were your pickups noisy before the swat of electronics? if they were then it should be your pickups that are noisy in nature.

in any case, guitar spoilt must fix!