Need help on amps


New member
Hi all,kinda new here, well,to make this short, what are the good amps for intermediates around $300-$400 range? Anyone had experience with the Fender G-DEC? Any recommendations will be greatly appreciated.
Do let me know..thanks in advance..
hi there, welsom aboard 8-)

will you be using pedals to supplement your tone or is your set up more reliant on the amp?
bonjour senoir sub. well yup,upgrading to a multi efx.-getting a pod xt soon. -any gd amps to go with that?

Heard from the thread about Line6 Spider II. Do Davis sell those? I almost got myself a Roland CUBE-30X.but was swayed when i saw Fender G-DEC.

Just need some comments and advice before i make my purchase on a 400dollar object..
The cube 30x is very versatile. It's speakers are good and have great bass response with great amp simulation and it is a very quiet piece of equipment. It sound quite close to it's tube counterparts just that the feel and output are different. It's sound is abit sterile but for the price, it's the best you can get. The clean tones are very useable too and they sound quite decent.

Line 6 spider 2 clean channel sounds quite sterile to me and their heavy channel is good for metal only. The distortion is crazily heavy.

Fender G-Dec wise I think swee lee was having some special offer for it, you can go check it out at BB branch.

Overall I like the cube 30X the best even though it doesn't have an effects loop.
If you are getting a multi effects unit soon, maybe you should avoid amps with built in effects. The prices of these amps include those built in digital effects and i think only a portion of what you spent will be for the amp and the speaker themselves. A good $400 no-frills amp should be more worth it compared to a $400 built-in effects amp of the same quality. However, if you find the tonal quality of an amp with inbuilt effects non-reproducable by any other amps in the market, and you like that, go for it.
Wow. I didn't expect replies at such a quick rate..

Thanks NewGuy for the reviews. Greatly appreciate it.

Both MadWereWolfBoy and YSR got me thinking about investing my money wisely. Ok here goes,i spend many hours practising and want an amp i could seriously grow with and even gig with. So i seriously don't mind spending alittle extra.

So between settling with an amp i cld get comfortable with,(Roland Cube), should i risk it and go for the amp head-and-cabinet setup?(amp head-Ibanez TB100HS Toneblaster and TB-212 cabinet)

Above a notch of the Roland Cube for me would be the Sound Drive SG-612R.(which Senoir'Sub has reviewed.)

So there goes. I don't mind any of both setup and going up to $600+plus or more for it.. #*i got my prices from online sweelee and standardvalue..
For small venues, 1x12 should do the job cuz u can mic it. Just make sure u have enuff headroom. I personally would try and grab a SS 100w 2x12 combo like some of the stuff randall puts out. I wouldnt advice getting a head+cab config unless you have roadies to help u carry ur stuff. Again, 2nd hand is the way to go becuz Sweelee overprice most of their stuff. Theres a guy selling a randall tube combo for $650 i think, you shud consider that.

enough said.

great practice amp as it has adjustable wattage control, loud to jam and gig with.

fits in your budget. around 400.

go to city music :)
Thanks guys. Yes,would definitely consider both vox and randall amps. I'm a versatile player,would mostly be on my strat on clean channels for jazz blues and my ibanez rg for rock and metal.
a tube combo amp would be the answer i guess..

Narrowing my options now...
Wow..suddenly there's lots of amps for sale at buy/sell section. Christmas comes early for me this year! anyway,those anyone here knows the exact date for swee lee's year end sale?
No, they never tell us the date until at most 2 wks b4 the sale. Keep the 2nd half of Dec free in anticipation though....and save up! And +1 to the Sound Drive SG-612R, it's a great amp. Cleans sound lively thru this and the distortion is as close to an actual tube amp as it can get. And for the price, it's a steal. If u want a small amp, the Vox Pathfinder 15R is the best small practice amp around for the price IMHO. Takes pedals or multi-efx well. Jus that it has no midrange control and watch out for the seriously horrible earphone output, i cannot fathom why the sound is so bad frm there. But otherwise, it performs well in all areas. IMHO if u want to consider the Vox AD50VT u might as well go for the Sound Drive. Better value-for-money and well, it has Celestions!
normally people go with small amps at first, I for one, had a vox pathfinder for 180 bucks. think it's decent but when put at a very soft volume, u can really feel ur tone being comprimised.. heh.. got a bigger amp now. I think u should invest in a vox valvetronix 30vt. that shit is good
Thanks y'all

man..u guys are awesome. thanks for all the great reviews. clears my cloudness of doubt before purchasing an amp. My last action wld be to test'em and see which fits my sound. thanks again y'all...;)