No, they never tell us the date until at most 2 wks b4 the sale. Keep the 2nd half of Dec free in anticipation though....and save up! And +1 to the Sound Drive SG-612R, it's a great amp. Cleans sound lively thru this and the distortion is as close to an actual tube amp as it can get. And for the price, it's a steal. If u want a small amp, the Vox Pathfinder 15R is the best small practice amp around for the price IMHO. Takes pedals or multi-efx well. Jus that it has no midrange control and watch out for the seriously horrible earphone output, i cannot fathom why the sound is so bad frm there. But otherwise, it performs well in all areas. IMHO if u want to consider the Vox AD50VT u might as well go for the Sound Drive. Better value-for-money and well, it has Celestions!