Need Help Fixing my malfunction DD-3


New member
My friend fixed my DD-3 but its a bit faulty (he didn't fix it properly)... The problem is the pedal is on (when it's switch on) even when the cable is not plug in... cuz of tis malfunction my battery runs dead all the time... and the switch is loose... do u guys noe whr can i fix it or how can i fix it myself??? and how much will it coz???
maybe the wiring to the input jack wasnt done in a way that the battery will be out of the circuit when the input jack is out of the circuit.

perhaps you can simply take out the battery from the pedal when not using it if u wanna conserve the battery
Maybe the wiring got disconnected or something. But from past experience, a delay pedal tend to kill a battery faster than say a distortion pedal.
He probably wired the power jack to the same ground on the input jack. Any guitar shop should be able to repair this. Try sound alchemy

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