Naked couple surprises diners in Singapore stroll

you must first of all, Open up your mind and let me step inside, throw away your clothes and feel the nature breeze.
Superpotato dont be so chee kor peh can or not? we all come out from women,nudity is nothing wrong. Sex education is very popular and homosexuality is silently allowed in Singapore also. What's wrong with Nudity?
Superpotato dont be so chee kor peh can or not? we all come out from women,nudity is nothing wrong. Sex education is very popular and homosexuality is silently allowed in Singapore also. What's wrong with Nudity?

Sry if i offended your feelings. Im not the only one implying smth here. Dont be so sensitive can anot? Dont emo. Joke only. Nudity allowed in SG, why dirty joke cannot? Dont emo. Sayang. If my post offended you or made me look like a chee kor peh check out distortedbassist's first post.
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hahhaa,i not emo, i feel we should be proud of our naked bodies and be at ease with nakedness. Will you support a Soft nude gatherings or a Jam etc?
Aiyoh, potato, dont worry much la. All gatherings are legal till someone shows us his warrant card etc. Its for those who feel that the couple in Holland V has done no sin.
a gathering or jam should be stationary i mean without walking around much. So it will be just a nude gathering or jam u know. Not a big deal.. so who's keen beside the French fry?
yes yes! thats precisely what i meant, and as modern people we are. Sex,Age,Colours,religions should play no part in our Nude gatherings and Jam. All are welcome, be free to feel the breeze!~