my unhappiness about my "band"


New member
sorry guys,

i really need a place tt i can vent my unhappiness and a place where ppl who noes abt such case advise me...
here it goes...

I used to have a band tt plays chinese pop rock.Though i'm not a 100% pop rock kinda guy but i feel its best playing in such anyway.. i used to have a full band tt does great covers of chinese pop rock groups.. we did have fun those days.. but eventually my bassist left me coz he says he needs to focus on his family and career.. so upon his departure, the drummer left me too.. i'm left with my keyboardist and my vocalist.. soon after, vocalist told me she cant do singing for me as she is going overseas for study... left my keyboardist and i...

when my keyboadist 1st joined me, he was hardworking.. though i can tell he is those that needs alot of practice to get the song rite but he did it away.. so i was happy with him around.. we den started to re-hunt for members and soon i've found a new vocalist together with a guitarist/vocal.They are both great musicians.. but the problem came..

my keyboardist totally digs songs that revolves around pacabel's canon chord progression and only wish to do songs that the market wants instead of what we are interested in.his theory is if the market wish to hear similar songs, we should do that.he is also very involved in other music projects and totally neglect my band thing.. there was once when we go jamming, we dig out old songs i did with him b4, he totally screw up everything and claim its becoz he've not been on tt song 4 a long time.i told him, i stop as long as you did.. haiz..

den regarding drummer and bassist. i shall put them as 1 problem.. after hunting in soft for awhile, i've found a drummer. but this drummer turns out to be a "virtual" drummer.. he claims over n over that he is interested in my band.. but everytime i tries to book him for our 1st jam he will always be busy with a gig.. i could have called his hp whole day and he wouldn't even reply me at all..jus somehow.. i also asked him if he does noes any bassist friend, he claim he does have a friend and interested.. which of coz were just words..

pls advise me..
1)is my keyboardist point of view correct? am i being too guitarist to accept what he thinks?
2)should i hate the drummer or should i juz take it that its my bad luck to meet up with such a kind of person..
First of all,you should have the concept in the mind always.
That is "Nothing last forever". Don't be mistaken,it is not a chinese Taoist concept or buddhism,but is universal. Even Axl rose put it in his November Rain's lyrics.

1) You are not being too guitarist, a song can feature guitar solos,or bass solos or keyboard solos,it's up to the band's discretions.

2) There's no point in hating. Enemies may become friends and friends may become enermies.

Think thrice.
in my opinion ur keyboardist shouldnt look too much to market wants ... in some point he is right ... cuz it will be faster to gain fame in the market ... if it was targeted for market wants...

but in some point of view .. doin what we actually interested in is much better than targeting market wants... its obvious rite ... i dont really know how to explain but ... for choosing beween the first and the second option , i preferably take the second ones ... do what u interested in ... "As A Band"

for the second question , juz take it as u r having a bad luck ... i have the same faith as u last time ... i didnt get any vocalist that is interested in our music for 15 months . juz take ur time ... no point hating ...

instead of hating why dont u search for more drummers :wink:
Know how u feel bro, was looking for a drummer a few months back, then this drummer who agreed to join put me aeroplane 3 times, the third time he say thaat he is in a cemetery and that there must be some supernatural forces that prevent him from meeting us up :lol: :x But then i jus move on and look for another drummer.

Its a tricky situation in balancing your art and wat the market wants. But my bassist told me this tat give wat the market wants first and then when u make it, u throw anything at them they will thnk u are a genius. He has some point there... John Mayer is one eg, he sang all the loevey dovey pop songs at first then switched back to some blues, and the public who never heard blues before will thnk tat he is a genius with all that guitar playing.
I think you should find a new keyboardist. Yours sounds pretty stubborn to me. Needs a slap. Keyboardists can either be a great assest to the band or a great pain to the band. Depending on how well they learn songs. how well they can improvise. etc etc. I was just lucky enough to have audition 2 keyboardists in a row that not only like the genre of music the band plays but they happen to be very good soloists too. God bless them.

For drummer, he needs to be put in a blender. Drummers are in a whole different world. I remember reading a quote from a famous artist, the best of these species are usually very rare yet even though they play on time, who gives a shit if they cant arrive on time! :lol: I forgot the guys name who said that. I also find that a GOOD, COMMITED drummer with the ability to learn songs, structures, and improvise, are very very hard to find. :cry:

Ive been in your shoes twice dude hope your better now.
^ Had a hard time findin drummers too, posted an ad for drummers a few months ago, quite a few reply but majority jus "disappear" after they tell me they show interest, refuse to reply calls and sms. :? But then never give up, findin the right mix of people in a band is difficult.
Yeah I agree with Badger , your keyboardist is really indeed quite stubborn.

I suggest you get another keyboardist who is willing to diversify in his style of playing. Preference for certain styles/types of playing is alright but to actually force your own preferences for a particular style of playing onto the band really goes to show how musically inconsiderate one can be.
Hey there! Cheer up man! It's not the end of the world. Things like these are very common in a band. You'll be surprise when one band member will stood the band up on a paid gig day.Not only in Singapore but the world around with a bunch of musicians we call ourselves.

One thing, doing what the 'market' like is very true at some point if ever you wish to go further. From then on, you'll slip in some of those songs you'd love to play. But, going into on genre could lead the band to be stagnant if there's no demand. There's actually alot of one track band out there. No one is ever wrong to choose their path but one will know better what their direction lies ahead.

About the band, you can start building it up again. No sweat man! People come and go. But it's not easy getting people with the same mind set as you. You can only try and try again if it doesn't turn out well. About the guy who gave too many excuses, forget about him and don't ever call him back even though he starts calling you to say that he's available.

Honestly, I would recommend you to start a fresh. Everyone new in the band. You'll never know things would work out well than you ever expected.

Chill out!

It is always best to be frank at the start of the band.

and it is time you introspect about people who wants to join bands.

Not easy to detect uncommittedness,i tell you.

But search for clues and hints along the way.

They helps, tremendously.

Don't depend on words.

from what i read, you're doing ok. there are highs and there are lows. just don't give up finding what you want and settle for anything less.

applies to life in general too
Everyone has different point of view in regards to musical direction. But from what i am hearing, you are a cover band doing chinese popular covers. So why is there an argument towards musical direction?? Don't you just learn tunes that is what the venues are looking for??
Where are you heading?? Which venue you want to play in?? Go there with your keyboardist, listen to the songs played by the current band there. Those are the songs you need to learn!! What's there to argue about!! You are a cover band, you serve the audience, not yourself.
And members are not so involved as you, simply they were not passionate enough to be heading the music road, or they may be more focused on other bands. What you need to get for yourself is a gorgeous lady singer, who also can talk on the mic!! That'z the way the cover band scene works, whether you like it or not. I have seen so many cover bands who don't have one, and they fail after awhile. Reality is reality!! And members would go jamming together if they see one anyway. Start looking!! :roll:
it must be hard having a steady band, breaking up due to external circumstances and then trying to fill the void.

just be calm and remember that life is about making choices. you can always choose to tell everyone to F.O. but to me there is something that keeps you going. remember and remind yourself what it is. if its not there, it is best to move on.

i sympathise with your situation. i myself am extremely reluctant to jam with outsiders, as in people i do not have relationships with outside the studio.

parablue74: i don't mind having gorgeous lady singer for jams, or for lunch, or miscellaneous activities. but where to find man. some more if all the band members go for the same ball, we will end up with casualties. then need to find 4 gorgeous lady singers. lagi worse :roll:
ok heres the 3rd time. Im losing my bassist in the near future. worst thing i know its coming. we've talked about it but he has enough respect to give us atleast 1month sign off period whilst we find another.

hes really good and just perfect but he has other commitments. :cry:
Bro Gr3Y

My opinion is – There is really nothing wrong playing some old songs (as long as it sounds good)….Your keyboardists is also not totally wrong – because he thinks that Commercial Songs are the type of songs that can get you all Gigs in the future. If the band is just Jamming for Fun-Sake than playing Non-Commercial Song is ok….but some Musician thinks it’s a waste of time to Jam Jam Jam at the end of the days – No Gigs. It is not so much of the $$$$ - but it will be nice and be able to gig oneday (whether once or twice a week only).

But of course, all band-members must listen to the songs and practice the songs you are all going to play…..or else it will really demoralize all other members (especially the serious one who want to make good music).

At the end of the day, every band member must be committed and must gel (give & take also at times)….No need to hate your Drummer, but you have to get another more committed one in this case.

FACTS: - It is not easy to get a Band in place (with the right people all the time)…Many says the good ones have “Attitude Problem”…YES some but not all also (my Band Leader of the Jazz Group is a Great Band Leader)…but not my other bands.

Do you know, I’ve been Jamming for 4 months in a bLUES Band, I am not a good drummer (a student drummer in fact), they gave me an opportunity – I did improve as I gain more confident and I appreciated that, but beside this point - my band leader has hot-temper. He can vent an anger on me because he was unhappy over my Lead Guitarists (that’s not very fair to me)….and I never miss a single Jamming session. Because of these not that I’m good (I have other groups calling me to play for them)….so I guess having the right attitude is most important. Last week my band leader told me that we have to play 30 minutes in a Concert between somewhere 3 to 7 on the 9th June. But I already buy my Tickets for the Drum Festival – so I tell him I can’t make it…can he get a replacement drummer for that day.

He tells me, I will regret it if I don’t do the concert with them because if he gets another replacement and they click (what is he to do)…to me that’s threatening too, but I still want to go for the Drum Fest - - NO I cant do the Concert….of course I am now out of the Band Group….…there is no give and take from him - we cannot gel –– but I wish all the best for him and his band.

My Jazz Band is totally different – My band leader is the nicest man, bro and a friend I’ve ever met. He teaches me Music and Jazz, very very patient with me. as he knew I am having drum lessons still – He even encourage me to try out those new things I learn in my lesson there (of course – I am still not use to it – and it rojak sometimes and it affected their music)…..but he was such an understanding & inspiring Band leader that I really have to gave him my utmost respect …

He was sincere and have the heart to groom me and the band as a whole and I thank God, that I’m able to enjoy my music with him.

I have a tough week this week as my suppliers are coming to town, and I have to entertain them every night (that’s my bread & butter), and he understand that I cannot jam this whole week. Many a times during our Jam he tells me to Bring my Music Sheet (but I did not) – he was training me…I feel real bad – and I’m going to make sure that I do from today onwards – Gosh I love my Band Leader…

Cheers !..this is my story.
the experience i had with my previous band has taught me that, commitment is more important than the musical skills in a band situation, b u t of cos the person must have some basic to intermediate musical skills, cos its really frustratin when sessions gets cancelled because the person cant commit, or when u put in the effort to practice for that song and the fellow just turn up without practising and screwing up the whole song, and I nearly hated that person who is a close army buddy of mine.. but luckily it din turn out that way.

Good luck in ur band members search!
what's ur band's aim/target?

gain popularity, make $ by performing in clubs, cutting album, just plain fun in jamming studio, writing originals..?

if u make it clear for every1 in the band, i think it'll help a lil... discuss with ur bandmates on the goals and how u guys would like to achieve it...

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