The way - Ys - talks sounds like hes talking about my drummer. Through all, we always try to tell her to improve improve improve, study structure, practices rolls and stuffs, blah blah blah and sometimes even scold her but abit too harshly, but, we all still love her. She does improve when she really concentrates and she is so commited to the band. 8)
So patience and perseverence (I dont know how to spell it) are also key qualitys in overall band improvement.
You have to put up with one anothers arguements sometimes, back down when u have to, realise that sometimes you are wrong, then later on in the week you make up and go get coffee together again then laugh about it. :lol:
Have to be able to wait for one another to improve, although some might take longer than others, you must have patience not to get angry with them, but you may give them a little push.
But let me stress that, even thought committment is important, it doesnt overlook musical skills. the 2 must come together, and this is the reason for some bands that make it and some who do not.
In a band:
Commitment = The solid bond and friendship amongst the members
Musical skill = The serious side of being in a band