My Musical


New member
Hey there!

So yes, I am gonna write a mini musical!

No story yet but I'm recording a few demos and see how they can fit together...

It's Killing Me is the first and I've posted it at to get some feedback.

Recorded in two hours on Garageband - very rushed and very rough but I'm sure you'll get the general idea.

Comments, please.

bro I luv musical - need actor / singer / performer ? .. anything ctc me
Not bad, bro. It sounds like a great song to use as an introduction to a character or even the whole musical itself.

Hope to hear more. Good luck for the musical! :)
Thanks for the kind comments and encouragement.

Will keep you all posted on the progress. Alread have a brief outline!

More songs to come


i can't act, lol.

but i'll still help out where ever possible.=]=]
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I bet you thought I've forgotten all about this eh?


Well, have actually been very busy with getting the songs/band ready for the upcoming Watchmen recording sessions and learning how to be a mentor but here's another song - STARS - slated for my musical.

Check it out at - I'd like to get some feedback.

Thanks to Rachael and Nick for getting those songwriting juices going...