My gig experience @ Gas Haus

eh dude, dont be a pussy primadonna man...

just suck it up...try checking out the misfits' gigs...they dont have great sound either...

gashaus not the worst place to gig definitely...
its the band that is..
some inexperience bunch of muthafxxkers..
thought they would be treat like a ROCKSTAR..


I would agreed on the screen thing..
That just suck..
Disrespect imo.. :roll:
SOFTies, hold your horses! I will inform the Gas Haus to check out this thread.
some people just wanna have a drink.... whats wrong with leaving the tv on..... some dun wanna listen to the bands what.... let them watch tv lor... they pay for tix already what.....
if you pay for tix chances are that you are here to watching the bands, ie your friends, perform right? so in that case, what's with the whole tv thing? pure disrespect, and a cheap play to get other customers who are not there for the music to stay.

look at clubs. when they hold parties, the entire venue is for the organiser and his party goers. everyone is treated as though they were a customer, even if they just pay cover charge. and strictly no one else is allowed in unless of course they purchase a ticket. gas haus should review their way of doing things, that's for sure, if all these has happened.

i'm not commenting on the gear part as i've never been there to experience it myself, but i'm of the opinion that if you did not recce the place before ur gig, its ur fault if anything screws up, cos you had all the time in the world to source potential problems and fix them before they turn into real problems.
Don't be angry, just treat it as an experience. Maybe in the future you will look back and laugh at this episode cos' by then you might have experienced something even worst. Just enjoy rocking :supz:
well if your band is so experienced you shouldnt be looking for gigs like this
my band is new to the scene and looks at this as an opportunity. we should be thankful to roy. which organizer would let KIDS LIKE ME play at gas haus? and paid us for the gig? he also gave free jugs of drink. you should really look forward to this as an oppoturnity. okay i dont know what im talking but yeah.
come on

Mind you, Roy is just booking Gas Haus for its venue and equipment. I agree that the staff of Gas Haus sucks sometimes. But Roy is a good organiser i would say. Probably you might wanna suggest to him change Music Mania to another venue. Yeah its true, if you're experienced you will know what to do.
I've been to Gashaus twice - once to scope out GSE & other acts including Ronin and on the 2nd occassion to scope out Melt.

I wont comment on the operational aspects or the club's band recruitment process but I will say this. The mixer / PA system there has it's limitation.

Bands who are expirienced enough should know when the instruments (guitar, bass, keys, drums etc) are lounder than the vocals and compensate your respective volumes. This is especially so when you do the "raw" unmiked out gigs....

It's sound balance at it's most basic form
rengaw said:
Cummon bro, who didn't start out as an inexperience bunch.

It's not the experience most of us are annoyed at, it's the attitude. If you know you are inexperienced, then be glad that you are given the chance to play, gain experience, learn from it, and do better next time.

Or you can think you're great, everyone else is at fault, learn nothing, and do exactly the same thing next time around.

I'm sure there are bands who played there, saw what all the problems were, did the best they could with whatever they could, then went back and discussed how they can do better and avoid or reduce similar problems next time.
Why wasn't it questioned that after a song, if it felt/sounded wrong then the band could actually call the soundman over? Since i remembered where the PA and stuff are located is beside the stage...funny place to be but still....
Speaking from personal experience, I played at Gas Haus for my band's first gig, and I felt my band had decent sound, and i asked around too. I really don't think anything is bad about Gas Haus, in fact I'd play there again if i had the chance. You just need to balance your sound right before shooting off at the soundman so quick..