My bid farewell.

hi jarrod have fun in sydney ur lucky cus u get to go to so many concerts lol
people i dunno if u have seen a pic of us nitro brothers so heres one
sure james, sounds good, send me a PM with details or something.

Tafe stands for 'tertiary and further education'. its sorta like polytech. government run thing with heaps of campus thingos spread accross the state. they offer heaps of courses for many profressions, most often labour jobs but anything from finance, building, mechanic, music, clothing etc etc. Basically offers what uni doesnt. If i complete my full course, i'll come out with a diploma =)
It was sorta rushed, I was first in line. There line to signing was huuuge, talking 200+ people easy. I walked into the store to find some shit to buy to get signed, e.g trivium cd but they were too expensive. anyway I asked the staff if they had anything i could have to get signed and he said no, but said that I can start the que so I was suddenly at the front :D but because it was busy, i didnt get a chance to take photos with the other 2 guys. ah well, I got all their signatures though.


hey nice pics duder, tht place looks kinda familiar... hehe... must be Utopia records right? hahaha... the place i ALMOST met Archenemy... anyway, good to see ya rocking out there man! enjoy LOG in April man like how I did!!

Just a wuick update for those that care or have nothing better to do.

Couple of weeks ago I saw Slayer + Mastodon + Mortal sin play. It was alright you know.. the crowd was the roughest i've ever been in. It was like standing in a sea of death. but it was cool seeing slayer again. Mastodon were pretty cool to. I coulda got photos with mastodon if I took my camera... oh well. Mortal sin were freakin awesome though. I highly anyone on here has heard of them. They're an aussie thrash band from '85 I think. After their set they came and talked to fans and were standing next to me during slayer. They've toured with all the big thrash bands over the years.. tallica, anthax, testmant, megadeth etc etc. yeah that was a cool gig..

But what was cooler was seeing Lamb of god last night. Such an awesome gig. Cant really explain its awesomeness. just so brutal and intense and great fun. Before the gig I stood in line for 3 hours so I could get something signed and get a photo. meeting them was totally worth that 3 hours of waiting.

The gig was just awesome. A melbourne band supported (Randy requested they support). On their last song, randy ran onto the stage and started screaming into the mic. It set the whole crowd off. so freakin cool.

When Log came on, everyone went nuts. Unfortuantly no walls of death but some awesome circle pits. i'm sore and bruised now and my neck is rather stiff and i'd do it all again if i could.

I have a decent bootleg but i'm waiting for permission before I post it anywhere becuase i wasnt the one who recorded it.

but yeah. I reccomend you all to goa nd see lamb of god live, and dont just stand there and watch, fskcing get into and release the anger and let it all out in teh circle pits becuase it is ggoddamn kick arse.

Here are some pics... They suck coz I hadto hold the camera in my other hand.






so thats about it for now.. I may go see Nile or dragonforce or Sodom.. not sure yet. GnR + sebastian bach sold out before I could get tickets too =(
i happened to be in sydney last week and passed by the roundhouse the day of the LOG gig thinking it was the vader show. ah well, seen LOG already though. who was the melbourne support?