MXR Dyna Comp VS Marshall ED-1 Compressor

BrokenWingz said:
to add the extra sustains in dirty! Well not those over exagerated kinda "long sustains" but juz long enough for u to reach the Orgasmic moment! haha! u knw ... when u close ur eyes and let ur feelings and fingers do the talking!

You really just need more gain....[/quote]

I'd agree Shredcow... Though if you have had the JH-1 before, you may have remembered that it lacks sustain. At least when I had mine I felt as if it really did.

Perhaps a modded Bluesdriver to goose the JH-1?
Actually im still using the JH-1 ... my main OD pedal! i like the sound i get from it alot though,

although if i wanna get another kinda tone, i really need time to tweak it, but other den that, its still ok for me! i'll really hv a hard time choosing from Boss OD/DIST pedal as there're juz so many of them!

Maybe if there're other JH-1 users, or ex-users, maybe u could say something abt it? Well as for me, its pretty ok for now! :wink:

haha! Well if i do plan to change pedal, (which i proly mite not hehe!) i'll be eyeing the MT-2,

like the mids and the chung it can produce!
Harmony Central!

Been reading reviews on both the CS-3 and the MXR Super Comp!

Well frm the reviews i read, CS-3 ... definately needs a mod!
MXR Super Comp ... Its great the way it is!

Both affordable in $$$ range! if i think abt budget wise, the MXR would be the bet! But dat doesnt leaves out the Cs-3 juz as yet! both need an equal share of trials and test before i can decide which one to start to save up for!
Well from the revierws read, and oh by the way, all i read was the 1st 25 reviews, and i could see the which was heavier on the balance between the MXR and CS-3!

as for the dyna comp and Super comp, from the reviews, i think the Super comp better den the Dyna!

Hhmmmm ... my feelings are changing towards the MXR Super Comp!
i dunno .... cos buying a pedal and modding it would be a lil tough and heavy on me!

aiyo ... my head spliting cos of $$$ and choices!
My experience with compressors for your consideration...

Tried a stock CS-3 and it sucks too much tone to be usable. Definitely must mod. The Marshall Compressor is surprisingly good. Sounds good, quiet, does a decent Dyna Comp, and the 'Emphasis' knob is a great addition. It helps you er... emphasize the frequency you want to compress, so say if you want the highs to ring out you emphasize the lows. Very versatile.


Well I like the Dyna Comp type compression so the Keeley works for me. Works fantastically for cleans and light grit... especially when you're doing stuff like plucking. Harmonics ring out really nicely.

For heavier tones it's really a matter of taste. As mentioned before Dyna Comp type compressors take away some high end to give a more rounded tone... well it works well for cleans, a lack of highs in distorted tones can mean a less crunchy distortion. An overly compressed, squished up distortion sound can sound really weak and farty... especially when you are playing rhythm.

I usually set my compressor's sustain knob below 9 o'clock. Anymore and my distortion sounds suffer.

I also find that compressors usually work better with single coil or lower output pickups cos hot pickups can overload the compressor and cause an overly compressed sound lacking in dynamics. That said an attack control (like that on the MXR Super Comp and the Marshall) does much to alleviate that worry.

As much as I love Dyna Comp type compression, many people find that kinda sound too squished. Furthermore that pedal is not exactly versatile and not without its shortcomings. Many new pedals have done much to address them. So no... Dyna Comp doesn't own everythin, it's a matter of taste :)


BrokenWingz, have you tried a compressor before? I suggest you try a few in stores and maybe borrow one for a more extensive test on the nature of the effect (esp at performance/jamming volumes). It's good to do research but at the end of the day you still need to try one out before plonking your money on any effect.

And oh Harmony Central reviews... take em with a few spoonfuls of salt man :roll:

i don't know your budget but I do recommend the Marshall compressor. Another one to consider and find more info abt is Barber's Tone Press, which has a blend control so you can adjust the compressed sound with the uncompressed sound. Haven't tried one but it looks interesting. Rave reviews everywhere. If you are really interested in a Keeley (which is not very versatile or subtle, but does the Dyna Comp thing pretty damn well) I can set you up on a date with mine. Not selling it though. Just drop a pm.
Hi rearviewmirror,

i've neva tried a copmpressor before, what i would really love to do is take my pedalboard out to shops and try them out! dat way it would be much much better and lesser mistakes will be done! but who could take his boad to a shop and try and not buy it .... paise sia! haha!

my need is very basic actually ... a compressor for Clean (strum/plucking + a lil bit of bluesy/jazzy leads) and for Dirty (Leads) as for rhythm, Im using a JH-1>GE7!

so i need to find a "versatile" compressor ... but im also on a budget!
i use a Marshall G15RCD.

form the reviews ive been reading, MXR Super Comp is better then CS-3 ...
Im in such a dilemma i wish it would rain Compressors haha!
80% of all reviews are a big joke.

Guy buys a pedal, think it sounds nice, then posts that it's the best pedal in the world.

You want a good review?

Ask the guy what other compressors he has tried, and ask him to describe how they sounded and why he picked this one over the others. That's a good review.


actually i recommend consulting the harmony central reviews just to find out more about the pedal you are gonna buy.

For instance, if 80% of the reviewers says that they have issues with a faulty switch or whatever, you know that there is a manufacturing defect somewhere...thus you basically know what you are getting into..

another example could be the reviewers explaining about the certain limitations of the pedal, which could only be known if you own the pedal for lets say a few weeks...stuff that can only be realised when you use for long, not when you just try it out at the shop and decide to buy...

Thats why i think harmony central reviews are great to have, as it gives you a closer picture of the particular pedal...

Also, sound wise is entirely up to you to believe, as tone is personal...U can't expect a person who plays metal to appreciate a Low gain Overdrive, and you can't expect a musician who has only 2 years experience in guitar to give sound advice.

All in all , harmony central has worked for me, a great tool to have before making the final plunge into your wallet :D
btw, i believe that if you not using a quality tube amp, then the effect of compression will not fully manifest itself. If you want to increase your sustain, then you simply need more gain in your signal. Some people use compressors instead of OD boxes but that sounds kinda lame. If you have the gain but ure lookin for alittle more attack and sustain then get a compressor. The Supercomp wont squish your tone or over compress it, it only has light compression, just enough.
Anyway I think this box is 10X more valuabe when your working with tube clean/distortion because you really FEEL the dynamics which is a sexual feeling.

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