MXR Dyna Comp VS Marshall ED-1 Compressor


New member
i wanna pedal dat can add sustain to leads!

i want it mainly to use it for "dirty" leads and for clean strumming/plucking!

1) Am i looking at the correct pedal? ( a compressor )

2) If Yes, Which is better? ( ED or MXR )

Pls help! Thanx in advance! :oops:

If u ask me, getting a pedal to boost the sustain shouldnt be an option cos u should leave such technical issues to ur guitar or ur guitar me, the tone will be much better tt way, rather than to have another pedal in ur fx chain..

i'm not doubting ur ability, but if u're not a recording artist, then a compressor is of no virtual use..if u can strike all ur notes with equal consistency a.k.a. total control of dynamics, ur technique will improve->sparing the cash from ur wallet->stop sucking tone->tonal heaven+ur sound simply sounds better cos....u're better! :) this is my opinion of course...

if u really want a compressor, look for a 1st hand boutique pedal, shouldnt let u down :)
ala_carte said:
getting a pedal to boost the sustain shouldnt be an option cos u should leave such technical issues to ur guitar or ur guitar pickups

Actually i can already do all those, but i was tinking getting it would improve the sound or add some kinda colour or stuff like dat! well i was wrong! :oops:

initialy i doubted i needed it, juz dat i used to c many pedalboards using it, so i began enquiering abt it!
Thanx for clearing my doubt ala_carte!

Appreciate it!

8) :)
ala_carte said:
if u can strike all ur notes with equal consistency a.k.a. total control of dynamics, ur technique will improve->sparing the cash from ur wallet->stop sucking tone->tonal heaven+ur sound simply sounds better cos....u're better! :) this is my opinion of course...

Aye... +1 to this... for better sustain, switch to your neck pickup which isn;t so "hot"... and don't set your pickups too close to the strings... this will help to increase sustain...
Shredcow said:
I got a modded Randolfed Boss CS-3 for sale if you are interested.

Thanx for the offer though Dan! :)

RazrAsh said:
switch to your neck pickup which isn;t so "hot"... and set your pickups too close to the strings... this will help to increase sustain...

Thanx for the tip! i ususaly do leads using neck pups! i'll do juz dat and experiment more! But juz a tot, wont bringing to high make it sound muddier?

Just so you know.. the Dynacomp WILL alter your tone, whether you like it or not, its another thing. ;) Just note that fact when you try them out.
The compressor still has it's place in an effects chain.

At high distortion (especially in a nice tube amp) you are getting loads of compression anyway but with cleaner guitar tones it can make a world of difference. Compression is also0 the sound of funk guitar.

Just about the perfect example of a dynacomp is Dave Gilmours solo in another brick in the wall. It's a very slightly overdriven strat through a Dynacomp which gives it that singing sustain. For the type of music you play it may or may not be suitable.

As Shred says it does alter your tone quite noticably. Really accentuates the sound of the pick on the strings.

Anyway, it does serve a purpose....up to you whether you really need one or not.
Aye to gkinsingapore... I find compressors a very useful tool when recording clean parts. Indespensible? Well, no. But extremely useful.

Its not about the technic all the time... at the end of the day, there's the short coming of some things. Like when you play clean, with .09 guage strings. You find your steel strings painfully tiny and wimpy sounding when compared to your wound strings. There, a compressor works WONDERS!

For distortion, if you put it BEFORE your dirt pedal or amp, you find you get tighter chug, and your chords retain more clarity, every note seems to stand out better. Put it AFTER your dirt pedals, or in the efx loop, its a different tone, a different function, esp since it evens out the vol very well.

Finally, whatever the comp you choose... note their pros and cons. I didn't take a DynaComp because I didn't like the why it made the tone all thick and creamy. It also squishes like no tomorrow... worked well to make my .09s sound better for jazz wannabe playing but not my type.
The ED-1 has been getting good reviews, and randolf has a mod for it... I can't rem what type of comp is it modelled after.
I had the Randofled CS-3 for a long time... Randolf does very good mods for it.
Finally settled on a local made Optical comp, called the Citrus.
RazrAsh said:
eh sorry broken wingz... i meant DONT set your pickups too close to the strings...
Haha! dats why i was scratching my head for awhile! hehe! No worries bro! thanx!

hey thanx Shredcow & gkinsingapore for the useful tips! really very informative! Hats off! :o Appreciate it a bunch!

if im gonna get a Comp it'll proly be the ED-1, cos i don wan a comp dat sux tone very much ... like the Dynacom!

cos the juices i wan frm a comp is to level out the Vol when in Clean & also to be able to hear every string strummed or plucked crispy and cristal clear since i use my cleans mostly with my CH-1,


to add the extra sustains in dirty! Well not those over exagerated kinda "long sustains" but juz long enough for u to reach the Orgasmic moment! haha! u knw ... when u close ur eyes and let ur feelings and fingers do the talking!

i'm going for the correct thing rite bros? i mean i really need all the advise and help i can get from y'al cos i don wanna get the wrong pedal and regret! hehe! :oops:

Thanx in advance!
BrokenWingz said:
if im gonna get a Comp it'll proly be the ED-1, cos i don wan a comp dat sux tone very much ... like the Dynacom!

Don't get us wrong.. the dynacomp doesn't suck tone, it changes tone. You might like it.

BrokenWingz said:
cos the juices i wan frm a comp is to level out the Vol when in Clean & also to be able to hear every string strummed or plucked crispy and cristal clear since i use my cleans mostly with my CH-1,

Comp into Chorus = perfect.

Do note, too much comp when strumming makes your strumming lose all punch. Sounds lifeless... but just a touch and you get better punch, plus no volume spikes.

BrokenWingz said:
to add the extra sustains in dirty! Well not those over exagerated kinda "long sustains" but juz long enough for u to reach the Orgasmic moment! haha! u knw ... when u close ur eyes and let ur feelings and fingers do the talking!

You really just need more gain....
Like most comps out there the ED is a variation of the Dynacomp. Another popular variation is the recent released Supercomp which is basically a Dynacomp with an extra knob for controlling the attack time. This also similar to what you'll get with the Keeley Comp. Boss CS2 is also quite similar in character to the Dynacomp design. Dynacomps have a certain character about the way they designed a fixed ratio with a long release but quick attack. This is also the reason why some people complain that it changes the original tone too much because it seems to squash out alot of natural highs. The characteristic gets worse when coupled with a high output pickup because even at minimum sustain knob setting the comp chops down too much too soon. With low to medium output pups the compression works it's musicality into slow phrases especially well as in the Larry Carlton, Robben Ford kinda styles if thats your cup of tea. The rest as they say is all in the application.

I personally use both the Dynacomp and CS3 though I do find the latter more versatile for low and high output pups from Strats to LPs as well as for acoustic electrics like the Godin Multiac with LR Baggs undersaddle and condenser mic combo system. Comps work especially well in music settings where atmospheric modulated arpeggios and chordal volume pedal swells are incorporated into the overall mix which is also a unique colour to include in one's own sonic pallete.

Hope this helps.
haha. i find it funny when pple say pedal suck tone. again i shall go on my rambling to say that a dist pedal sucks tone when a clean tone purist were to use it. and all the other examples out there. suggestion is to go try both. not choose the ed1 just cos everyone says it sucks tone. honestly? tone comes from the player. all the dynamics and stuff comes from the techniques. the pedal only influences the sound and theres no way it can influence a sound in bad ways. its really what u like. some pple love the 'tone sucking' certain pedals do.

strat person to les paul person: your guitar sucks tone. ahahaha.
Sucks tone as in, takes away tone?

Like a stock CS3 when on, thins your tone, takes away bass. Isn't literally, tone sucking? :wink:
If u want top quality compression, forget stompboxes because they wont deliver. But, the MXR super comp is as great as it gets for stompbox compression, and at a reasonable price. $180ish

I recently purchased an MXR Super Comp stompbox. Im VERY pleased wth it.

With CLEAN sounds, it will really make your chords shimmer and your plucked strings bold and sparkly. Harmonics are fkin insane!

With DIRTY or distorted applications, it for one makes chords tighter and more attacking, and also adds ALOT of clarity and bite into solo work. Sustains beautifully. Notes simply jump out at you. Its phenomenal. When paired with a tubescreamer its THE tone right there.

It sucks some highs and adds some noise but eq, good cables, and maybe a noise gate or supressor will handle it.

My advice is forget Boss and other brands. This is also better than the Dyna. GET THIS

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