musicians in NYP

Late entry to thread!

In NYP too. First year, 2nd sem, Multimedia & Infocomm Tech.

Prolly the biggest freshman in the Poly.

In Live Audio CCA, seen me?
Hey peeps!

Well a brief summary what had happened today.

Firstly, i'm abit disappointed by the fact that only 7 of us were only present today compared to our previous meeting. This is quite scary because u guys give me an impression of your enthusiasm. But i take it as everyone's busy so its cool.

We didn't manage to grab hold of the SA officer today because he's busy. Our dear dedicated lect gave him a call and said he'll arrange a meeting for us soon so right now i seriously need all of your help for the preparations of the proposal. That includes other softies too!

My friend Dulcie have kindly do us a favor by writting her opinion so do revise it below and make any ammendments or put additional points if need be.

School mission: To compete with other polytechnics in all aspect of areas and to attract more students to our school.

Why do we want to start a rock band CCA?
We have went to other polytechnics and checked out their jamming studios.
As inspired by these students who started out the rock band CCA, we aspire to get a jamming studio of our own. Like all other polytechnics, we also want to have a NYP rock band.


1. Set up a CCA group for students with interests in live jamming/performance
2. Groom musicians and create a platform for students to do networking in the music industry.


1. Promotes jamming and live performance
2. Encourages student interaction/network
3. Have fun!
4. Get involve in the media industry

Key Activities:1.Peforming for School events
1. Regular gigs
2. Clinics/workshops
3. Organize tours to places in interest/facilities
4. Tie-ups with groups from other schools/institutes/clubs/professional organizations

Every Wednesday at 4pm.
Committee will take care of the jamming room.


Room renovation: DIY

Equipments No. of equipments Brand Cost
Amplifiers 2 full sets
Bass Amplifiers 1 set
Microphones 2
Drum set 1 Pearl
Electric Guitars 2
Bass 1
Keyboardist 1 Yamaha

I'll do my part by checking the cost of our equipments then i'll do the estimation of financial aid we need.

Come on guys, if you want NYP to rock, we must work hard for it. Otherwise, all these will be pointless. I may be just a first year student but i sure do wana try my best to help. Alright?

If possible, we need to start electing COMMITTEES to for the CCA. So start your elections now.

but then again, an estimated amount of money will set the school's mind at ease. hopefully. perhaps don't go too far with the equipments first, could raise funds through gigs :D

and yea, got some stuff on today so i cant turn up. i'll definitely going for the next!
Hw big u wanna the room to be???....does NYP have big rooms???? usually they have small rooms rite.... i tink we can have like 3 tutorials rooms....n break down those will b a damn big room.....YEAH.....
Guys, the SA officer emailed to say he has been held up, and will call me tomorrow instead.

As for the proposal, maybe let me add my 2 cents worth. I moved the "other schools also have jamming CCA" under "Background". Also, I moved the "attract more students" under benefits, but hidden under point 5: "fun place", which theoretically should attract more students... I feel it it not appropriate for the CCA to "attract students" as it is not our job....although this will be an indirect benefit! It is best left to them to get the meaning....hint hint! Good points! Keep them coming! C'mon!

Jamming CCA:

To promote session jam and live music among students and alumni

Session jamming and live performance music is becoming an increasingly popular activity. This is evidenced by the numerous activities that have been organised to cater to the needs of musicians/performers. Some examples are: SP Oops!,Play On 2008, Be A Star 2008, Yamaha Asian Beat Band Competition 2008, Jam aloud 2! Band competition, Singapore Band Challenge 2008, etc.

In fact, it has become so popular that even some of the other polytechnics and institutes of higher learning have set up their own CCA/groups for the students. Need to confirm!

As such, to cater to NYP students who are interested in jamming and live music, it is imperative a CCA group be created with the aims of providing a platform for musicians to come together and share their interests and passions.

1. Set up a CCA group for students with interests in live jamming/performance
2. Groom musicians and create a platform for students to do networking in the music industry.

1. Promotes jamming and live performance
2. Encourages student interaction/network
4. Get involved in the media industry
5. Promotes NYP as a "fun" place
6. Builds identity and sense of belong
Hw big u wanna the room to be???....does NYP have big rooms???? usually they have small rooms rite.... i tink we can have like 3 tutorials rooms....n break down those will b a damn big room.....YEAH.....

wahahahahahahaha. thatll be fun i tell ya.

hello dulcie!!! glam rock rocks! i know!
hey kirk101....

did u know that GLAM rock is oso called hair metal.....they do not like to called themself glam rock bt instead hair yea.....passing down abit of knowledge here.....
i heard from my frens that they dun like to b called glam is because the thrash metals label them as Gay LA tats y they change it to hair metal.....n oso, thrash hate hair metals as they say, these hair metals takes away their (thrash) girls away.....
duno mif its true oh might juz b true....hehe
really? eh wait.. you sure. glam rock old school rock garage rock. not metal you know its like rock rock.

i think the real definition for glam rock is glitter rock.

hippie stuff. not really hippie. David Bowie, Queen, The New York Dolls and yeah KISS. smth like that i guess. like rolling stones ah. ya

but i think theres glam metal and glam punk.

ouh yea not forgetting Motley Crue, The Bravery, Marilyn Manson.

gosh hope im not wrong.
gah who am i kidding. im ready for a backlash then!
So when are you guys planning to get the amps,drums,P.A systen soundproofing etc after the approval?
Now that's what I call optimistic...

Benefits, benefits, benefits.... Everyone chip in, how can the CCA benefit the school???? Let's brainstorm yeah?


Also, there's many competitions and gigs going on the whole year round. Say if any of the bands from NYP are able to perform at theses shows, and maybe win a few competitions here and there, now that I would think the school may be interested getting these exposures. Question now is, which gigs and competitions are more well-known and more high profile??? Can you guys list them???
one benefit is promoting the local scene no doubt! and also learn from each other, on how to improve oneself's playskill or ettiquete or something.

school wise, like what Leon said on the first meeting, fund raising gigs? could play softer music for elderly target audience.
Benefits should be benefits to the school, not to the local arts scene, not to the people in the school, not to Singapore, etc....well, it doesn't hurt to benefit these groups...but I think the school's management will be more interested in how the setting up of a jamming CCA is going to benefit the SCHOOL.

For example, through the CCA, people get together, share and learn together, and create bands and groups that go on to represent the school in the National Day Parade, or as guest performer on the MTV Awards, or to be crowned winner of Project Superstars, etc...thereby bringing unheard of glam factor and fame to the school, and the very next year at the school's admission exercises, the queue stretches all the way to AMK MRT (yeah, not YCK!), then I will bet the SA officer will be calling us everyday to beg us to start the CCA...
eh come on people revive this dying thread!

at least correct me if i am wrong about glam rock. haha. but im pretty sure im somewhere there.

come come. who those who are schooling on monday. im sure you guys are gonna check this page with your lappies with the really cmi connection in school.

come on share what you think should be some of the objectives of the club.
give this club some directions.
i believe thatll get the ball rolling.
come on lets leave those SA officers in awe later.
show them how freaking beneficial we are man.

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