I don't mean to dampen anyone's enthusiasm or rain on anyone's parade, but at the last meeting, I noticed that a lot of the SOFT members who met up are freshies.
Now, I'm sure that a lot of you freshies out there are very streetsmart and practical, but I feel that you guys all need to know that amongst all the polytechnics, NYP is notorious for being the stingiest with its money, lol. Anyone who has ever been in the organizing committee for any event will attest to this. While a lot of headway was made last week regarding planning for this CCA, I still feel that based on what I see, the stingy ******** at management will not be very willing to part with their money that easily.
What I suggest therefore is this: Firstly, draw up a detailed list of what you guys intend to do. It's all very well and all to say that that clinics and gigs and workshops will be organised, but who will teach these clinics? Who will organize the gigs? To impress the head honchos at NYP, it's important that a well-drafted and well-thought out plan is presented. Give a proper structure and hierarchy to this club, i.e, who will be the club president? Who will be the treasurer? Which activities will be the core ones and which ones are dispensable? In case of budget deficit, will the clinics go, or the gigs? Are these activities weekly, or are they fortnightly or even monthly?
Every single last detail needs to be well formulated. If not, to them we'll just be yet another (pardon the pun) motley crew! Don't give those old fogeys a chance to poke holes in your plan.
Secondly, budget properly. The school will not be very willing to hand you guys a blank check and say, here, go get whatever equipment you need. Draw up a detailed and exhaustive list of every last item you need, and budget for everything when you're proposing to the people. This figure will probably be in the upper levels of four-digits, especially when you consider the number of people interested in this club.
Consider items like amps, drum sets and mics, but don't forget the other items as well. The next time you're at Fourtones or Beat Merchants, take a look around and note the items that always slip your eye. Is it the elevated platform for the drums that prevent too much noise from disturbing the neighbours? Is it the extra door that helps soundproof the room?
All these details will need to be taken care of, or you'll find yourself running severely over-budget. Consider what you're willing to settle for, cheaper alternatives to your first choice. Consider operating costs and maintenance costs, too.
Finally, be prepared to fight, and fight hard. Those dudes at NYP won't be very willing to part with their money, and might just very well say, "NO" to the grant. What will you do? I recommend devising three budgets: one that over-projects and has an optimal figure for all the material you ideally want, one that is practical and a good compromise, as well as one that is pragmatic and is what you guys are willing to settle for if your budgets are rejected.
In the event that the money granted is way too little, are you guys willing to fork out money from your own pockets? Discuss and decide all this details beforehand. (Of course, don't tell the old men you might want to pay yourself, cus they might just well decide to make you pay for it all, lol).
There you go, everyone, my two cents worth of advice. I hope this helps with the efforts for the CCA.