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nah, there is but, honestly? i dont think many of us are affected by it at all 8) politics "were made" so that we wont quarrel and fight and kill each other.. somehow, politics make us want to.
schred said:
MOST countries in Asia, and around the world, have Freedom of Speech. Speak of China, India, Pakistan, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia, Brunei what do you think the parliament fights are for? And y dont u c parliament havoc here in sg? Now u noe.

They have parliament fights because their politicians are irrational and immature. Freedom of speech does not mean you have to beat up the guy you disagree with.

S'pore parliament sittings are relatively peaceful because 1) Most of the MPs are from the same party, and thus same agenda. 2) The pressence of an authority known as the Whip.

Even USA now is experiencing a regression of its civil liberties, as G.W.B seeks to curtail individual rights and scrap privacy laws to pre-empt a terrorist attack on American soil.

Now you know yea?
schred said:
dot sg is still part of cyberspace. And cyberspace, has Freedom of Speech..

ok schred, if you want freedom of speech, go start a website and post whatever you want. but when on SOFT, there are rules and restrictions set by me. i have been editing your post and it is taking up quite a bit of my time. please do not continue to post anything that you feel that will be edited/deleted by me.

like, what's the topic of this thread? it is supposed to be about music and see where you took it to?
CrispyEgg said:
politics "were made" so that we wont quarrel and fight and kill each other

From a Marxist standpoint, politics was created to keep the ruling class powerful, and to keep the working class (read:us) powerless.
The structure of power is thus preserved.

It's interesting to look at things from a different angle sometimes.
soft said:
schred said:
dot sg is still part of cyberspace. And cyberspace, has Freedom of Speech..

ok schred, if you want freedom of speech, go start a website and post whatever you want. but when on SOFT, there are rules and restrictions set by me. i have been editing your post and it is taking up quite a bit of my time. please do not continue to post anything that you feel that will be edited/deleted by me.

like, what's the topic of this thread? it is supposed to be about music and see where you took it to?
This is the Kopi-tiam afterall? Where ppl talk abt anything? What happened to "Say Anything Under The Sun"? :smt017
somehow they're so "afraid" of terrorist attacks, that... some times they go overboard. but still, its nice to know they're doing things for the safety of their people. just as sg does too.

politics is a complicated issue. i'm happy i'm just a law abiding, music loving person :lol: i wonder if LKY is happy with the singapore today. somehow i dont think he is.

*points to topic: music* wow. soft people stay up late 8)
Schred, I wonder where you got the idea that there is freedom of speech on the Net. Were you living under a rock the past one year or so? So many things have happened that plainly refutes your stand.
CrispyEgg said:
somehow they're so "afraid" of terrorist attacks, that... some times they go overboard. but still, its nice to know they're doing things for the safety of their people. just as sg does too.

ah...but you see, sometimes things aren't as cut and dry as that. When the ruling class knows everything about their subjects, the power structure becomes even more inert and unshakeable.
Vaiyen said:
Schred, I wonder where you got the idea that there is freedom of speech on the Net. Were you living under a rock the past one year or so? So many things have happened that plainly refutes your stand.
U can see alot of dirty talks going on in cyberspace. Even Carlos Mencia stated so in one of his shows.
haha...then pls go ahead and talk dirty about Ms Ho Ching.
I'd love to see what happens to you. :lol:

After all, Carlos Mencia said so wat! Then it must be true hor! :roll:
its whether u get sued for it or not. e.g. if u talk dirty about your next door neighbour and 1000 people find it funny and your neighbour somehow doesnt really care, u're fine. if he makes a report... mm... :toimonster:

Marxist theories just seem to be proven correct over and over again. yet Marxism is not a suitable political system in most situations. poor fella.
Exactly. If one can go on with his/her freedom of speech, niiiiice. If some1 decides to take action, so be it. For me, im going on mutually :lol:
Vaiyen said:
haha...then pls go ahead and talk dirty about Ms Ho Ching.
I'd love to see what happens to you. :lol:

After all, Carlos Mencia said so wat! Then it must be true hor! :roll:
I can do tht. Letz say in another forum.
haha ok la, enough Marxist talk for today. It's never good for one's mental well-being. :lol:
you become a real suspicious bastard.
schred, its not about freedom of speech, its your language in context. Please be more polite in your postings, as I'm getting more agitated by the nature of your nonbeneficial posts. Please bro, enough is enough. I'm leaking steam.
schred, by depriving you of your 'freedom of speech' i am actually covering my behind! please understand this point. if you were doing it on YOUR own website, i wouldnt even say a thing.

dont use profanity like it is a norm.
Im stopping here. I dont want ppl to look at this thread and go "WTF 7 PAGES?!?!?" :lol: Chiao. When i post alot, it means im sleepy.
schred said:
Vaiyen said:
haha...then pls go ahead and talk dirty about Ms Ho Ching.
I'd love to see what happens to you. :lol:

After all, Carlos Mencia said so wat! Then it must be true hor! :roll:
I can do tht. Letz say in another forum.

haha then pls go ahead!
I tell you, the noobs nowadays...tsk tsk..
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