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u've got a good point, i concede :D

but i still have to say, six degrees was very prog rock-ish esp in terms of lyrics!! 8)
Forgot to add another thing. John Petrucci likes his music to b more rock & myung likes em to b more metal. :lol: Like wtf. Hahah..Now we know y some of their songs reli do sound prog rock, six degress for example. Bt yeah in terms of lyrics ur rite they'r pretty unique n nt reli "metallish" most of the time. N bcoz of this they in the end decided to have a side project of sort. Liquid Tension Experiment. Killer guitarworks man..Ye should listen. :smt035 <<--wth tht is acoustic! how to shred?!..or izzit? :?
>.< the upper horn is friggin sharp to be an acoustic. I WANT!!! :P

ahaha i like LTE too, but if i'm to choose songs with lyrics vs songs without, i'd choose lyrics.
Octavarium is definitely more prog rock.. Train of Thought is more Metal.. didn't really like those 2 albums though.. They were okay. But my favourite's still Scenes From A Memory
I listen to anything catchy but not annoying. Or with fancy drumming.

Right now I listen to Ronin a lot. Other than that, Electrico, some The Vines, Slayer, Skadaddyz, some Gorillaz, Death from Above 1979, RHCP, etc.

I listen to quite a wide range but I'm quite picky.
i listen to almost everything except pop/techno...

but mostly rock/metal...death/prog/heavy/80s/power/sludge/speed...etc.

Guitar Heroes/gods watever...

Dj stuff...Amon Tobin, DJ Food, DJ Krush, Kenishi...etc.

Jazz...mostly old school stuff...Art Tatum, Buddy Rich, Charles Mingus, Miles Davis, Thelonius Monk...etc.

some stuff tt i duno wat genre they're in...Belle And Sebastian, Architecture In Helsinki, Fantomas, Morphine, uneXpect, Mike Oldfield, Calexico, Les Claypool's various projects...etc.
bam said:
Octavarium is definitely more prog rock.. Train of Thought is more Metal.. didn't really like those 2 albums though.. They were okay. But my favourite's still Scenes From A Memory

Scene from a memory is great. I love that too. Especially more so after watching scenes from new york.
yeah!!! my fav DT albums are Scenesfr-a-mem, SixDegrees-, Images & Words. however, ALL their albums are still my favourites.
come to think of it, he uses his 4 string more often than his 6. but..........................

time for me to get a 4.
Listen to bands like Spiral Architect or Necrophagist.. Beats DT flat any day i feel.. Necrophagist is much more brutal.. but the guitar work kills... And speaking of Myung.. The Prognosis bassist is freaking awesome man.. plays exactly like him..
bam said:
Listen to bands like Spiral Architect or Necrophagist.. Beats DT flat any day i feel.. Necrophagist is much more brutal.. but the guitar work kills... And speaking of Myung.. The Prognosis bassist is freaking awesome man.. plays exactly like him..
S.O.F.T is nt the place to advertise bands like these! :evil: :lol: If u want brutal give em Cryptopsy or Quo Vadis. Oops..did i leak? :oops: :smt116
Well those type ARE offensive to some ppl :lol: So itz bttr ta stay safe. Coz some styles r really Hitler-like :smt077 Once u pop, u can't stop. And then their parents would find out abt s.o.f.t n who the hell influenced their child into such gruesome disrespectful unpleasant unfriendly music and then they would start a war with the website n b4 u know it, itz out on the pprs abt one more lame prnt-child incident :smt075
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