Music-themed Films

But Singapore has more guitar gawds than any other country on this planet.

We should not let the lack of ice put us down. There is always mosquitoes and dengue to sing about. Lots of fines and all sorts of taxes. We just need to be more creative.
hahahah, no wonder we are not going anywhere. We need music producer and writer, not geetarer. Guitarer think in one point 5 dimension sometime, hard to make music. Wank har, can, anytime
Touche Danelectrico, that's exactly the point. Well if you're keeping to the topic of inspiration of some sort, anyway, then yeah seeing things from a different nature, no pun intended, does help. Especially when nature's pretty much forcing it into shivers... lol

I think they've just got the whole package; respect in their musical cultures and traditions across generations, an insatiable amount of curious musicians, romanticism, an open-minded and art-loving community, a government that fully comprehends and supports the ideas and nature of these arts, gorgeous scenery that could inspire anyone walking past their neighbouring glaciers, and lots of alcohol to keep their bones (if not their minds) in a relatively warm enthusiasm about their lives.. and no one gives a brow over how eccentric you can be.

Complete freedom :D
What we have here is competition not inspiration. Guitarists are generally deadweights, i'll be the first to admit. Who can play what faster, cleaner, flashier, more impressively...whatever. I think it's all about ego. It's backasswards when your priorities in picking up a musical instrument are about about technique rather than creativity. Precision at the expense of inspiration just makes for dull art.

Anyway, creativity and inspiration here don't fly...due to numerous factors these have been boiled out of most of us like a piece of meat in a British restaurant.

So I digressed. Ok, movies?
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hahahah, no wonder we are not going anywhere. We need music producer and writer, not geetarer. Guitarer think in one point 5 dimension sometime, hard to make music. Wank har, can, anytime

DEY! Donch worry lah. You must belive bro.

We gotch Snakeweed! Probably the most productive producer on planet earth!

We gotch terrabox, Rosli Mansor and his guitar gawd gang! They will reinvent the guitar for the entire world to see and hear!

They will win us a few Grammy awards very soon.

You must believe bro pathein... .

To hell with the icemen! We want dengue!
bro pathein, limpeh song and gotch hiong oso.

OK lah, I makes you happy lah, folks, uhoooo - Singapore oso gotch the guitar gawds that prolly spend the most on gadgets!

Must believe people. Our guitar gawds and their gadgets will make this world a better place for planet earth!

BTW, any P Ramlee and/or A R Rahman fans?
The Icelandic Rocker's Lament

The Icelandic Rocker's Lament:
(especially popular in the winter months)

- The population is only 300,000 (and that's including the babies, under-7s, old people who can't see, hear and/or have money to buy concert tickets or CDs) - where's the market for our music?

- After all the essential services/occupations like teachers, soldiers, policemen, postmen, civil servants, pen pushers, mouse clickers, housekeepers, where are there enough people or talent for producers, gig organisers, and webmaster?

- The weather is too cold - I am too frozen to write songs.

- The national cuisine is singed sheep head and cured shark (I kid you not) - how can I find any inspiration from such "food" (term used very advisedly). And all of us are just too busy catching fish all the time.

- All the 299,999 persons look exactly like the 300,000th (me)! - where's the diversity/cosmopolitanism that London or LA have. We need more multiculturalism! It's this stupid government policy.

- The local language is so blah that Sigur Ros has to sing in gibberish! How to write good songs, you tell me.

- Nobody knows whether Iceland is a country, colony of Denmark, name of a planet in Star Wars Episode V, or a brand of bottled water. How do you even market our music to the world?

- I look around and all I see are ice-fields and geysers. It's too boring, man. I'm thinking of quiting all the time. If I have enough krona, I'm leaving this island for sure!

You do see now why Icelandic music is in such parlous state, don't you?
(please don't pm me; this is a rhetorical question)
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The Icelandic Rocker's Lament:
(especially popular in the winter months)


You do see now why Icelandic music is in such parlous state, don't you?

SEND them some DENGUE!
Bloody (sorry for the unintended pun) whiners!!!

that was frickin hilarious. excellent call. the ice is always cleaner on the other side.

but seriously. could one of the factors why small countries like Iceland (and to a less extreme extent, Ireland and Scotland etc) still produce music with some considerable impact on the international scope be because they are closer in proximity to the all important UK touring belt?
Crowded House? A definite exception to the rule :)

(along with the unfortunately named Mutton Birds)

ok ok i keed i keed! i don't wanna get jumped by the NZ music fans in this world (all 4 of ya), so there!
because kiwis make good fruit, not music.
Jakob and flight of the conchords would beg to differ!

anyway new zealand is pretty close to australia, which has one of the richest and diverse music scenes in the world.
Pretty close in proximity standards is another thing!

ok enough potshots i promise.

Yeah the AU music scene is amazing. Where else in the world would a band as left of centre as Something For Kate or Dirty Three (among many many others) be as commercially and critically well regarded, and get the same kind of radio, media and TV time alongside much more commercial / pop artists as well. Inspiring.

Just walk into any bar in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane or Perth famed for hosting touring bands / local original live music on any given night, chances are you won't be disappointed.
yeah the australians have definitely got one thing right!
and trust a few of us to ruin a perfectly good discussion of films..

I can't think of any more fictional music-themed films but here's a pretty good film that's semi-fictional.

So guys, music films/movies/flicks how?

(Maybe I should spawn off a separate Iceland vs Singapore music scene - why they can do it and we are still talking about it thread)

edit: yeah, go here to debate Iceland vs Singapore. That'll keep this thread neater.
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